Quarl AIM 2022 Review
Composition/Structure (0-10), Production (0-10), Emotion (0-10), Relevance to Artwork (0-10)
Mikaiah, At The End Of The Road: 9,5,10,10 (34/40)
Loved that atmospheric car sample at the beginning, too many people failed to use elements like that to connect the inspiration to the visuals. Those sustained reverb engine revs might have gone on a little long for what looks to me like a very peaceful scene but I won't take off any points for that. Another user managed to emulate a racecar engine sound entirely with a saw synth, I was very impressed by that competitors ingenuity. The live car sound was a little out of place in a synthwave song that echoes a pixel drawing but not everyone can emulate a car engine with a saw synth so it's really not a problem. Just an idea for the future. I can easily give you a full 10 on relevance to artwork for what you wrote and how you executed your inspirations. I'm even going to give you a full 10 on emotion, the melodies were inspired and well written. I think the track was a little too high action for such a peaceful image but that's something I'll choose to ignore to a degree. I really tore into users that didn't share their feelings or inspirations, so I feel it makes sense to reward you for writing as much as you did. Know your audience, we're your peers and we love to know more about the people we bump into here :3
Despite synthwave echoing older decades and styles, I felt like you could have made that production quality a little crisper. Retro doesn't necessarily mean low fidelity. Most notably, those drums were very weak. I'd have used the drum signals to sidechain all the other instruments out of the way a little. The quality of an EDM song often relies on crisp, powerful drums. I'm not sure if you're making use of fidelity tools, but things like compressors can boost sounds towards the front. Graphic equalizers can give you massive control over what frequencies to boost and cut. I put fidelity tools on ALL of my instruments, you can always set the fidelity units to "bypass" if you don't like the changes they make. Fidelity takes a lot of practice to master but your track is crying for some crisper tones and textures. All that hard work you put into the gorgeous melodies and rhythms, only to come across sounding dull or weak because of the mix is very unfortunate Mikaiah.
I spent a lot of time sharing the concept of panning data to other contestants, I'll do the same for you. Though you only have two channels to be creative with, that's more than enough to create the illusion of space, depth, and field. A sound that gets panned creates the illusion that it is louder than it actually is, so you can pan a sound to a side, turn it down a little, and you'll have more room on the other side for other instruments. Panning is a balancing act, done poorly it can be very annoying. Done masterfully, panning is life! Panning can also create the illusion of movement as a sound moves from left to right or right to left. Since movement was a very important element to the art, it's a little sad to hear everything hitting me from what sounds like the middle. A momentary but subtle chirp in the right ear might draw my eyes to look to the right. An engine moving from right to left would help give off the illusion that a car is driving by. You can create a lot of "movement" with panning data, it creates dynamics to a slight degree but even sounds that don't move at all create space by sitting on the left or right channel. I use automation lanes on the panning knobs for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes I'll automate a new location for an instrument when I introduce another instrument just to better balance the field. It can feel kind of nuts to focus so heavily on the pan data but good panning can really sperate the pros from the armatures. Those arp synths at the end could have teleported back and forth, I'd have loved it. Low frequencies and often mids are best mixed to the middle to help structure everything, but those leads and pads could have had a small panning bias. I have listened to a lot of really cool songs in this contest but since I gave you such high scores on emotion and relevance I have to really dig into what made the song fall flat. The production skills need a little more polish. You'll be a very strong composer if you can focus on getting those high definition sounds and techniques. I hope you have a wonderful day, and salutations Mikaiah! Always upwards :D