
1,346 Audio Reviews

866 w/ Responses

Quarl AIM 2022 Review
Composition/Structure (0-10), Production (0-10), Emotion (0-10), Relevance to Artwork (0-10)
Mikaiah, At The End Of The Road: 9,5,10,10 (34/40)

Loved that atmospheric car sample at the beginning, too many people failed to use elements like that to connect the inspiration to the visuals. Those sustained reverb engine revs might have gone on a little long for what looks to me like a very peaceful scene but I won't take off any points for that. Another user managed to emulate a racecar engine sound entirely with a saw synth, I was very impressed by that competitors ingenuity. The live car sound was a little out of place in a synthwave song that echoes a pixel drawing but not everyone can emulate a car engine with a saw synth so it's really not a problem. Just an idea for the future. I can easily give you a full 10 on relevance to artwork for what you wrote and how you executed your inspirations. I'm even going to give you a full 10 on emotion, the melodies were inspired and well written. I think the track was a little too high action for such a peaceful image but that's something I'll choose to ignore to a degree. I really tore into users that didn't share their feelings or inspirations, so I feel it makes sense to reward you for writing as much as you did. Know your audience, we're your peers and we love to know more about the people we bump into here :3

Despite synthwave echoing older decades and styles, I felt like you could have made that production quality a little crisper. Retro doesn't necessarily mean low fidelity. Most notably, those drums were very weak. I'd have used the drum signals to sidechain all the other instruments out of the way a little. The quality of an EDM song often relies on crisp, powerful drums. I'm not sure if you're making use of fidelity tools, but things like compressors can boost sounds towards the front. Graphic equalizers can give you massive control over what frequencies to boost and cut. I put fidelity tools on ALL of my instruments, you can always set the fidelity units to "bypass" if you don't like the changes they make. Fidelity takes a lot of practice to master but your track is crying for some crisper tones and textures. All that hard work you put into the gorgeous melodies and rhythms, only to come across sounding dull or weak because of the mix is very unfortunate Mikaiah.

I spent a lot of time sharing the concept of panning data to other contestants, I'll do the same for you. Though you only have two channels to be creative with, that's more than enough to create the illusion of space, depth, and field. A sound that gets panned creates the illusion that it is louder than it actually is, so you can pan a sound to a side, turn it down a little, and you'll have more room on the other side for other instruments. Panning is a balancing act, done poorly it can be very annoying. Done masterfully, panning is life! Panning can also create the illusion of movement as a sound moves from left to right or right to left. Since movement was a very important element to the art, it's a little sad to hear everything hitting me from what sounds like the middle. A momentary but subtle chirp in the right ear might draw my eyes to look to the right. An engine moving from right to left would help give off the illusion that a car is driving by. You can create a lot of "movement" with panning data, it creates dynamics to a slight degree but even sounds that don't move at all create space by sitting on the left or right channel. I use automation lanes on the panning knobs for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes I'll automate a new location for an instrument when I introduce another instrument just to better balance the field. It can feel kind of nuts to focus so heavily on the pan data but good panning can really sperate the pros from the armatures. Those arp synths at the end could have teleported back and forth, I'd have loved it. Low frequencies and often mids are best mixed to the middle to help structure everything, but those leads and pads could have had a small panning bias. I have listened to a lot of really cool songs in this contest but since I gave you such high scores on emotion and relevance I have to really dig into what made the song fall flat. The production skills need a little more polish. You'll be a very strong composer if you can focus on getting those high definition sounds and techniques. I hope you have a wonderful day, and salutations Mikaiah! Always upwards :D

Mikaiah responds:

Yep, this was another big response to my song, thank you so much for it again x3, ye i must say that i too consider those faults kinda evident now that you mention it n.n', buuuut... i think it's kinda fair but i'm thankful that you made me realize this, i'll try to keep those things in mind, to try make my productions even better! :D

Thank you so much again, and despite the flaws, i'm really thankful that you managed to find enjoyment in my piece, wish you the best on luck in your endeavors, and projects and wish you a nice day! n.n

Quarl AIM 2022 Review
Composition/Structure (0-10), Production (0-10), Emotion (0-10), Relevance to Artwork (0-10)
wobwobrob, Zone Zero: 8,7,8,8 (31/40)

I only started listening to the song but I already feel like going with these gentle vocal pads was a bold decision for what looks like a hellish dystopian metropolis. The image reminds me of Midgar from Final Fantasy 7, thought you might try to Nobou it up. Since you managed to write a fair bit about your inspirations and ideas I'm being friendly with my "relevance to art" points. Too many competitors missed an opportunity to say something nice about the illustrations. Literally saying anything helps draw judges in and endears you to us. We're trapped here listening to hours and hours of music, people need to take advantage of that human aspect. I feel like you missed an opportunity to use atmospheric sounds or samples to relate back to the image. Sounds such as space craft flying from left to right could be emulated with saw synths and panning data. A shooting star could be referenced via sinewave or slide whistle and could also use panning data to help create depth or illusion of movement. Glittering stars or lights could be brought about with chimes. I've promoted the idea that musicians can use a free program like Audacity to sample sounds, edit them enough and you could claim fair use and the mods won't mind. You wrote a very inspired song but with the addition of atmospheric samples and instruments you could have really turned your song into a work that effortlessly related to the image. Instead I have to try and make connections on my own. I can agree with you that minimal sounds could relate to space in that sound doesn't travel through space at all. The vacuum of outer space has essentially zero air. Sound is just vibrating air and space has no air to vibrate and therefore no sound. If you are sitting in a space ship and another space ship explodes you would hear nothing but that would make for a very boring "John Cage" sound track. However I don't immediately relate this image to an outer space scene, it could very well be an industrial refinery underground. You could have sampled power tools or hydraulic presses, traffic moving. When I see this image I imagine the sounds of metal scraping and machines working. The drums were industrial enough to give me some of that mood but those melodies were gentle and soft. You can be proud of the fact that you put some serious emotion into things but I'm not sure if I agree with the emotions you chose to use, sorry my dear.

I love the description you chose to write to symbolize space travel, that you created "a sense of arriving on a spacecraft, isolated and free to absorb the sheer scale of the place you are approaching". I respect that you "wanted to create an optimistic vibe, as you calmly float into the unknown delights of the planet below you." Looking to the left of the image I can see that this industrial space is still being constructed which implies grating machinery. I think you managed to perfectly convey your aims but I'm in too much disagreement that it was the right feeling for what I was expecting, personal bias to be honest. You could have mentioned that the light pollution from the structure obfuscates the stars that would be present in a space setting? I'm sorry if it feels like I'm coming down hard on you but you did a great job. I love this but I have to feel like I've justified the scores and to be totally honest other composers came through much stronger. The last person I judged engineered a synth to emulate the sounds of racecars. An image with waves crashing could feature the sounds of literal waves crashing. You did a good job conveying what you aimed for but there's always room for improvement and I would love to hear sounds that echo the sci-fi soundscape I was anticipating. I'm justifying that "production" score by pointing to that pan data. Everything in space is constantly moving, even if technically without sound. Pan data via automation is the best way for a composer to convey motion.

I have to keep moving with my reviews to get this work done in a reasonable time frame but I hope I was able to illuminate some new ideas or inspirations. I hope to hear more from you in the future, salutations wobwobrob :3

wobwobrob responds:

Mate, your comments are truly appreciated. As a judge myself for the first time (NGUAC2022) I hope I can be as eloquent and clear as you are with your constructive feedback. Thanks so much!

Quarl AIM 2022 Review
Composition/Structure (0-10), Production (0-10), Emotion (0-10), Relevance to Artwork (0-10)
TeffyD, Pole Position: 9,9,9,10 (37/40)

This was a wonderful surprise, Sega Genesis tier. The music gave off some seriously high class grand prix stylings. The melodies and drums were very well written. That synth work beginning and ending the track totally sounded enough like a car starting up and wizzing by to garner the recognition I needed to give this some high relevancy points. So many users missed the opportunity to allude to visual elements, whether via sampling or recording atmoshperic samples. You didn't go over-the-top with that kind of stuff, done poorly samples can sometimes sound cheesy. That guitar was great so I looked at your tags and researched the Gio. I had a Korg M1 a long time ago but after years of travel and abuse, it died. The M1 is a wonderful jam machine, thank you for posting some of your hardware data. The illustration is surprisingly minimal but still manages to convey incredible motion, depth, and clarity. I suppose I could simultaneously complain about or praise how mechanical the dynamics sound relative to the image. Some additional velocity information or automations on volume knobs could have helped certain instruments pop. Drums in particular benefit from evolving levels. Volume is one of the few ways a drummer can produce emotion and show off technical skill. If that static velocity data was intentional, you should have said so. (On dropping the review I noticed a nice dynamic hop in the hi-hat rhythm, sue me.)

One of my biggest gripes in this contest revolved around the simple idea that many musicians choose not to take the time to write stuff in the author's comments section. It literally couldn't hurt to direct the judges into your thought process a little bit by telling us what inspired you and what your aspirations were. We are your peers, let us know what you're proud of. It feels strange when I have to sit here and try to make all the connections to the art on my own. For a competition like this, saying anything can only help you out. I don't think I should be able to say more about the music than the person that created it. Some users wrote endearing poems or lyrics, some promoted their other social media pages. There were a few users that ventured to say nothing at all. Newgrounds has really opened up into a global community, I'd recommend not missing a chance to have a voice in it. I personally don't like being a webpage that lets nameless people download my music for free. I share my thought process when I make music because what better way to get into someone's head than with some human empathy?

I think that's reason enough to take off one emotion point, I've done it to almost everyone at this point. Loving the music enough to overlook flaws is bias when the theme of the contest is inspiration. I'm sure the artist would love to know why you picked their art, tell them it's pretty and perfect. I recall an original intention of the Art Inspired Music contest was to get musicians reaching out to artists to ask for permission and grow relationships (not required anymore). This is a great community, there is some tremendous talent. Be accessible, be personable, and keep making amazing material. You're a gem Teffy and I wish you the best!

Salutations :D

TeffyD responds:

Thank you for your very thorough response, and I appreciate the kind words. I very much enjoy using the M1, very cool lead sounds and pads, sadly it is the VST version since I couldn't find a real one, and when I put it in tags It would say its hardware so just left it lol. velocities was mainly because I liked how it came out and very robotic like an 80s drum machine, but it has a real sound? Idk if that makes sense. I also liked thinking it sounded like an engine idling with the constant hi-hats.

I will say that I never thought of explaining myself in the description. Like explaining why I chose a specific piece or what I was going for, because I assumed (you know what they say about assuming) that the song was supposed to convey it enough and that writing it in the description defeated the purpose. Just as a post review response, I chose this piece because it fit the F1 style I had in my head to make the song for, minimalist but stylistic in a certain Japanese way, that fits an 80s F1 Highlight TV Show song. His art in general is very cool as well. I also enjoy seeing people come to that conclusion without me having to say, because that conveys to me that I did my job well, and that's what I'm personally proud of the most.

I guess the hardest part for me is being personable and branching out and networking with others, idk why but it's hard to for me, mostly because most music I make sounds generic or 70s to 90s and it doesn't vibe with a lot of what others make. I can't write lyrics because I don't really make music that has a meaning to me, or of a time in my life or story etc etc, but I make it because I think it sounds cool, and I want to show it to others to chill out to or jam to or anything, because at the end of the day the listener will get his own interpretations on how to listen to the song, and I like that. I also think I have a knack for that kind of music, a very simple BGM that could fit in any application given I think of that application lol.

Thanks for the kind words and if any of you homies ever wanna collab or do something hmu cause I'm always down.


Quarl AIM 2022 Review
Composition/Structure (0-10), Production (0-10), Emotion (0-10), Relevance to Artwork (0-10)
ChordsInMotion, Dusk: 9,8,9,7 (33/40)

By the time I'm done writing this review I'll have listened to this track more than a few times but I'm already loving it on the first take. The melodies are inspired and romantic. The delayed blips and arps are a good fit for the pixel art you chose. It's not an "ideal" chiptune, this is more progressive. You've notably put a fair amount of work into those high resolution instruments and I love it. The drums in particular are really making me happy, those are some nice samples and loops that match the energy of the surrounding track. I like to engineer my own drum samples and rhythms but I don't mind when others make use of a nice loop. Familiar drum loops have helped make the world of EDM go round. The art you chose has a fair amount of depth and detail to it. I love the song a lot but the next part of my review might sting a little and for that I apologize.

I've been hounding people to say more about how the art inspired them. This has been my number one critique. I decided to review everyone in the contest so that everyone will have something to think about. It's unfair that 99% of the time I was able to say considerably more about the music than the people that wrote the songs. Take a minute to think of how the judges will spend their time listening to hours of music. We're trapped and will read anything you post. Having a little blurb about your inspirations can only manage to guilt us into giving you higher relevancy points. Music doesn't always speak for itself and you're never going to hurt yourself by sharing what in particular inspired you. Was it the colors from the image, the time of day the artist selected to draw, the temperature of the colors, the artist's style in particular? You can endear yourself to your peers by sharing a little more about your goals and inspirations in the authors comments. There is a language barrier going on for some of the contestants but I can respect that barrier with google translate. There is no excuse but laziness when an artist doesn't take the time to describe their work with a few choice words when given the chance. Especially when you use a platform that surrounds you with like minded artists and creative juggernauts.

I'm now going to segue into the technical information. I'm only taking a point off for structure because I felt you could have spent a little extra time introducing us to the scenery in the image. Other competitors have managed to use atmospheric samples to really paint amazing soundscapes but I doubt the majority of them own field recorders. You can use a free program like Audacity to record sounds straight off YouTube videos to your hard drive (assuming your DAW doesn't already let you do that). Please try your best to stay within the realm of creative commons or fair use when sampling; a simple semi tone pitch bend is often enough modulation to claim fair use. Courts have sometimes found specific samples triflingly unworthy of litigating, or "de minimis." I am not a lawyer, just very interested individual in the storied history of sampling and the legality behind it.

You COULD in theory grab some peaceful waves crashing from an hour long meditation video. Grab some birds cooing and cawing from nature documentaries. Sampling can be edgy territory when it comes to legal but a Newgrounds judge for a contest like this would never know how you acquired something like the sound of traffic moving through a city. Literally any video that takes place in a city can be sampled for that noisy crowd ambiance. Cut and mix atmospheres from samples to create new ones, gradually pitch bend them up or down for lols. Filter the volume of your samples rhythmically, samples cut with 32nd notes are fun! All of this is theoretical of course, I'm not recommending illegal samples. YOU WOULDN"T DOWNLOAD A CAR, DON'T DOWNLOAD A CAR CHORDS-BOY D:<

That arp and glassy piano combo at the intro was beautiful, but some atmospheric samples could have really transported us to another place. This is a small structural issue AND a small production issue. I'm not going to take off points for the next few suggestions because getting a hold of samples can be hard but I'd track down some orchestral & auxiliary drum samples if I were you. Samples like cymbal swells, bass drum swells, chimes, vibraslaps, waterphones, bass drums, kettle drums, cowbells, gongs, güiros, tambourines, shakers, bells, rain-sticks HOW COME NO ONE IN THIS CONTEST USED RAIN-STICKS, DAMN THEY HAD LITERAL RAIN IN THEIR IMAGES WHAT-THE-EFF-YO. In all seriousness and without joking, a slide whistle would have sounded epic in this track. Pixel art is playful and when I hear a slide whistle I think "fun." You could have made it work Chords, you'd have been the only person in this contest to feature a slide whistle :'C

Thank you for the information provided about the track, I was curious about the drum samples in particular. I have been getting on everyone to write a little more about their stuff but what you did share managed to be insightful. I got a ton of reviews left to distribute but happy AIM! Salutations and salud mi amigo :]

Quarl AIM 2022 Review
Composition/Structure (0-10), Production (0-10), Emotion (0-10), Relevance to Artwork (0-10)
Cresince, 14: 10,10,10,9 (39/40)

Somebody else used the same image MINUS 40 POINTS, YOU LOSE HAHAHA- just kidding, I'm actually really happy with this song a lot.

This is very unique. It expertly crafts some very haunting tones and textures. It's a definite favorite of mine in regards to musicality. This has amazing depth and texture. I think you could compress certain tones forwards a little more, there's still a small amount of space in your field for more amplification but you still got a great sound with the space you did use. I'd have definitely gone a little louder with bass tones. I had to take my headphones off and do a double take, there was some wonderful panning data in this. That guitar breakdown was romantic AF. The pads and random instruments are very cool.

I need to take off a point for not giving me a few ways that this art inspired you. I've been really leaning into people that don't share their inspirations. I can look at the image and see that the cityscape is hectic and everchanging. Buildings tower over buildings giving serious depth to the landscape. Though the scene seems infinitely complex, we view it from a distance that makes it appear deceptively peaceful. There is a feeling that many of the sounds you wrote could reasonably exist in this atmosphere. The sounds span the world of progressive jazz and musique concrète expertly. My brain is connecting a lot of dots but it's unfair that I had to mention them explicitly. A critique I've used regularly is that it's not fair that I can say so much about the art and the music but the people writing the music sometimes couldn't be bothered to say anything at all. Music doesn't always speak for itself, people can lapse and judge art & music contests based on personal taste and preferences. By saying a little more about your work you can endear yourself to the regulars here and make some friends! As a judge, I love seeing people engage their listeners. Newgrounds is a community of like-minded renegades and scoundrel. So many users are young and can absorb information like a sponge, this community feeds off of itself. You can tag instruments, tools, and programs to help us weed out bad actors that submit stolen content. That's been an issue in the past, I only bring it up because it's an unfortunate fact regarding any creative community.

I thought about taking off a production point for not making use of atmospheric samples like city noises, moving crowds of people, foot steps, construction vehicles, car sirens and traffic. That section with the panned guitar duo could have used some samples such as the ones I mentioned to help create a little cityscape. You still managed to convey great diversity and space with what elements you did use. I could pretend that French horn was a car driving by. There was a small arpeggio I could pretend was an exotic sci-fi city bird. That ending felt like the metropolis was winding down ominously much the way a city often does when it gets late enough to be the early morning and the only people up are the scofflaws. I'm absolutely in love with this track, the competition has been difficult to judge because I love music so much. I can't expect others to write essays much as I do but I think that I've managed to demonstrate the simple fact that you can freely talk about your work here. No one with any mature sense is going to read the author's comments and act a jerk.

Endear yourself to your listeners with a story about the image, anything. This is such an expert composition, it hurts to take off any points but I believe I was able to identify a key aspect that you were missing. This is my first time coming across your work and for all I know, you just happen to write amazing music all the time and it has nothing to do with the art. Addressing the few critiques I brought up, I think I can justify taking one point off of your work. I got to keep working through reviews but I hope this was helpful or explanatory. Salutations and good day Cresince!

Cresince responds:

Thank you so much for judging this year!

I do agree that I could have offered more insight about the song, especially since I write instrumental pieces that feature no lyrics, that is something I will definitely work on in the future.

You absolutely nailed the ending of the song analysis, of course my songs are free to interpretation to whatever a person feels like it is saying, however, that was what I was going for in that ending haha. And yes, my mixes could definitely use some more loudness/balancing so your advice has not gone unheard.

Thank you again for your hard work making sure everyone gets a thoughtful response and detailed review. Hearing your words has definitely helped me get some perspective on my music! <3

Quarl AIM 2022 Review
Composition/Structure (0-10), Production (0-10), Emotion (0-10), Relevance to Artwork (0-10)
SomeguyMusic, Cold Breath: 8,8,9,6 (31/40)

I was really curious what this was going to sound like after loading up the image first. You've managed to endear yourself to me quickly with that modest piano work. A piano melody can feel chilling and lonely. The practice rooms I've sat and played in are usually impeccably clean, to say the least: immaculate. The empty space in the image reminds me of a particularly large practice space I got to play in at Alfred University. A space like that would have some interesting resonance.

I'm really hurting from judging this competition. I'm listening to such incredible music but not many people are using author's comments to write even a little about what inspired them. There have been some amazing tunes that I took points off of because the artist missed a chance to throw a few compliments to the graphic artists or mention what their goals and inspirations were. You remembered to advertise your other media sites. I struggle to remember to do that kind of stuff when I post new material but for the sake of this contest you could have written anything about the illustration to help tie it to your music somehow. Even tracks that I felt had little to do with the illustrations would receive some relevance points for just saying a few key things about what kind of atmosphere they wanted to produce and why. You've left the ball in the court of the listener to decide whether or not the image and the music go together but music doesn't always speak for itself.

You have nothing to lose by saying something like "I wanted to portray a chilling scene with a cold nocturne. There are sparse elements in the image so I used sparse elements in my song." It's kind of silly that as a judge, I can say more about your work then you can with two quick sentences. Don't let the judges in competitions simply judge your work and move on to the other submissions. Give us some of your thoughts or inspirations, doing so will never hurt your chances. I'm still giving you a decent score but it's really difficult to look at that scenery and draw the connection. I'm also not terribly impressed with the production quality but that's due to the overall simplicity. You could have amped the piano and vocal pad considerably. I'd have been a little more forgiving in ALL categories if you had just helped me piece the connections a little better. A perfect structure or production quality isn't always important but it's impossible for me to give you a higher relevancy score.

I apologize if this review comes across as too harsh or too wordy but I want to encourage everyone in this competition to learn to analyze every step of their creative process. Just because you've exported the song doesn't mean your done. You need to think of a few clever things to say that will help endear yourself to your listeners, often it's just a song title but in a contest like this you're being judged by your peers and we love to build friendships here. Your not just a webpage. Your a person, a musician, and an artist. So are your peers and so we love to know more about who we're interacting with. Never be afraid to take a risk by sharing a little bit more about yourself or what you're proud of <3

Salutations SomeguyMusic!

SomeGuyMusic responds:

I'm sorry about that but my mindset sending it off is that it would be obvious what inspired me. You probably might mean more of the creative process to which I say the cold nature of the picture was all I had in mind when I made the song. I went for a cold, spacious nature - hence the name. I don't mean to sound rude but I thought this would be quite obvious to people. The cold nature of it was the main target with the spaciousness supporting it. It didn't feel like I needed to explain this because it's what the AIM's task is. I get you're looking for how it inspired me but like I said I thought that would be obvious. It wasn't really anything too deep. It was just more of a song for fun. Just cold and spacious. To the point of the picture. As for the mixing and composition yeah it definitely could've been better but at the time I made this my skills weren't as good as they are now. I thank you for you time. I'll keep these things in mind though for next time.


Quarl AIM 2022 Review
Composition/Structure (0-10), Production (0-10), Emotion (0-10), Relevance to Artwork (0-10)
NahuPyrope, Showdown: 10,10,10,8 (38/40)

You somehow read my mind, decided that I listened to progressive metal, and pulled out some heavy influences that I can't dislike at all. Perfect explorations of classic sounds and orchestrations. That breakdown at 2:52 becomes a noteworthy showdown between a bass driven piano and a perky snare drum. The image is a little silly in an anime-sort-of way but the music actually suits that over-the-top madness well. Anime are essentially soap operas. I can envision the ninja/cowboy character to have just delivered a ten minute dramatic monologue about needing to avenge his murdered family after a tragic plane crash while falling in love with the other character's long lost brother. This song is high action but it's also tragic and beautiful. At first I was wondering how the song related to image at all. I was expecting ye-haw horses, shoot-outs, bullet casings falling to the ground, cheesy tumble weed samples. What you gave us was far more exciting than whatever I was initially expecting due to the image.

I will however take off one point for missing that extra little atmosphere. There is space in this mix for some western sound effects and samples. A revolver spinning like a vibraslap, some tambourine spurs walking through the saloon doors, A STALLION RAGING IN THE SUNSET WHILE THE RIDER HAPPY FIRES A PISTOL INTO THE AIR. How do you expect to get a job for Disney or Pixar if you can't "yee-haw" a little? Shame on you Nahu :p

I'm also honoring the nature of the contest by taking off points when people don't make use of that author's comments section to really divulge how the art managed to inspire the music. Too many people are leaving the author's comments blank completely. With such a strong piece of music you could literally only help yourself by saying anything at all about the art you choose. "I liked the colors" or a short poem about a pistol standoff. The song sounds inspired but I shouldn't be able to say more about your music than you can.

I'm taking the time to write a review for everyone's music so I'll give you a little advice: we are a community of like minded composers and small creative assault squads. You can help introduce yourself to new people by always taking the time to express yourself a little more. Use the author's comments to share your aspirations and influences, write a short manifesto. If this contest was themed after musicality or epic guitar solos you'd have gotten a perfect score hands down. I need to honor everyone that contributed by considering the relevance to the art and though the music worked perfectly for me, I have no idea that it might translate perfectly for others. This is one of my favorite songs from the contest, next time share a little more about what inspired you and endear yourself to the community. Guilt us into loving you by showing a little additional love and respect to the illustrators that drew their stuff :3

Quarl AIM 2022 Review
Composition/Structure (0-10), Production (0-10), Emotion (0-10), Relevance to Artwork (0-10)
Anonymous-Frog, Lorelei ft. BeepBoxClock: 8,5,6,3 (22/40)

When I saw that art I kind of expected Iron Maiden or Guns & Roses era metal. You might have been better suited picking some pixel art to compliment your sounds and tools but I won't hound you for being ambitious. I was very confused trying to connect the illustration to the music so I gave you an equally confusing 3 to relevance. I've been hounding musicians in this competition to write more about their music and how the art inspired them. Saying something about the art and how it inspired you can only boost your relevancy points and makes it harder on judges to give out low relevancy scores. Guilt us into loving you by talking about the art work and how special it was to you. It can feel dumb when no one notices what you write, especially if you write a manifesto but it's honestly for the people that care and as a judge I care.

I don't necessarily like looking at the art but I'm not judging your music on how much I like the illustration. I'm trying to find connections. We have a demonic figure drooling on top of a seemingly naked woman. There's a red fog in the air and waves are crashing on the shoreline. You could have sampled some waves crashing to create more atmosphere or some howling wind to transport us into the image. I don't necessarily want to encourage any illegal sampling but judges would have such a hard time identifying waves crashing sampled from a one hour long meditation YouTube video. Though most contemporary programs let you rip audio straight off your hard dive a free program like Audacity can do it too, no special equipment or skills needed. You just have to look it up and try it out for yourself.

Some aux percussion might have opened up the track a little, some chimes would go in nicely. Some high fidelity orchestral percussion. I could envision plucked violin strings and drum swells. You're really limited inside of BeepBox, the sound that program produces are very low fidelity. I'd see about putting this mp3 into a program like Audacity and playing with layering samples straight on top of your initial work. It might take a little practice and this technique won't work as well as a full fledged digital audio workstation but using Audacity in tandem with Beepbox, you might be able to get some incredible sounds. I use Audacity all the time to trim vocal samples from larger documentaries or news broadcasts. It's a great tool available for anyone getting started with audio!

I hope this review was helpful and that you keep making inspired sounds. A tough critique can hurt but my goal is always to encourage people to grow and learn! I wish you the best Anonymous-Frog and I hope to hear some progression in your style in the near future!

CrimsonKero responds:

A 3 for 'Relevance to Artwork'? I thought it would be a little higher.

I agree that BeepBox is a lot more limiting than something like Reason or FL Studio (even the earliest versions of those from the 2000s). I tend to use it because a. it's been my primary "DAW" for many years and it's what I'm used to, b. limitations help foster creativity, and c. I don't have to hog around 20MB source files on my computer, only to lose it to a hard-drive failure, just a 20KB URL that I can easily share on Twitter or in the description. I also agree that this song isn't what you expected and that I should've explained more about it in the description.

I took advantage of the new 'Simultaneous instruments per channel' feature introduced around version 4.0 to squeeze multiple synthesized instruments into just 4 channels, even though it supports 15 and most modifications support even more, so it's even more limited. This was in part inspired by video game composers like Tim Follin, who managed to make kickass music for even more restrictive systems in the 80s and 90s like the NES or Commodore 64.

= The blue channel has two instruments that I switch back and forth as a 'call and response' between the two characters in ol' Wally's artwork. The lower pitched wobbly 'voice' represents the knight and the higher pitched softer 'voice' represents the naked lady.

= The yellow channel is not just some harsh-sounding bass, I also used it for some percussion and sometimes some higher-pitched instruments.
How this works is that I have a sustaining melody instrument that's set to play regardless of the note's volume, while the percussion requires volume. That way I can have one note with percussion and one note without in the same channel. However, there's no volume control on the melody instruments and it's harder to do pitch control

This trick can also be seen here with just 2 channels.

= The red channel has the highest amount of instruments, with 8 instruments that I switch between and up to 4 that can be played at once, including a copy of the knight's voice in a section where I couldn't use both voices separately.

= The grey channel's a dedicated noise/drum channel. I used this both for regular drums and also to simulate waves and wind. It's not the real thing, but it's a close enough approximation. It also helps add some 'grunge' to the red channel's instruments.

Thanks for the review! I've made a few endeavours into using samples. There is a variant of BeepBox that supports samples, Pandora's Box, but that's still very experimental. I've tried it a few times, but most of the samples there come from games like EarthBound or Sonic the Hedgehog (which might be a bit iffy for me), and custom samples uploaded by other users can only be used in an experimental beta, and there's no 'no-repeat' option, so samples keep looping. I also use Bandlab sometimes, which has its own mastering options, which I sometimes use on its own.

Quarl AIM 2022 Review
Composition/Structure (0-10), Production (0-10), Emotion (0-10), Relevance to Artwork (0-10)
Banana-head, Void Metrics: 7,6,10,1 (24/40)

As I've written to other users in this contest, writing more about your creative process and how the art inspired you will only help us judge the tracks better. At the very least, writing a few key sentences or a poem will guilt us into assuming there was an honest attempt. I've played drums in one or two bands with this kind of post-hardcore/grindcore energy and it hurts to take points off "relevancy to artwork" because I can't really picture the connection at all. I wrote reviews for everyone in this contest and I almost always managed to write more about the music than the artists did which isn't fair for me. You can't expect that your music will always speak for itself. Sometimes you need to share your goals or aspirations to help others bridge the gaps. Newgrounds is a community of like-minded renegades and creative misfits. We love to inspire each other and learn from one another. Don't be afraid to give us a piece of your mind Mr. Banana.

Language barriers exist, I noticed you are Brazilian. There's actually a huge Latin American population on Newgrounds at the moment. I'm seeing Spanish more and more often, me encanto. Though I don't use it often, I love seeing Español and challenging myself to understand it better. Google translate isn't always perfect but it's a decent tool to help us better understand one another. Don't be afraid to drop words in whatever language you need to convey your ideas. How did this music relate to the art in your own words or language? Hit us with your feelings.

Another user that submitted a similar production style was "Yoshiii343," go listen to his work because you two have a similar recording sound quality. I listen to bands like Archspire, Dillinger Escape Plan, Animals As Leaders, Mushugga, Chimp Spanner, or Chon. There is a sound quality you lack and those artists are a great example of that maximum thrash energy while still composing a perfect mix quality. You're musical ideas are wonderful but nailing fidelity techniques will help you deliver a more powerful sound.

Music is a huge part of my life and I love giving people the time out of my own life to try and inspire others to be the best that they can be. I really love this sound and energy but work to master your production quality and become the most powerful version of yourself that you can be! You can be so powerful! SO MUCH POWER D:

Salud y buenos días mi amigo :3

Banana-head responds:

Thanks so much for your review! I actually agree with your point of giving a little insight on how i came up with the song, i just never created the habit to do it on the songs i post here, i usually just say what sub genre of metal the song is and thats it for a description.
What i can say about this song is that in the instant i saw the artwork i immediately thought ''oh hey, Voivod-esque artwork, this is my stuff'' and i just had to make a Voivod style track to it. They're pretty much my favorite band with a unique sound and a unique artwork made by the drummer, i thought the sci-fi aspect of the artwork i based the song on would fit the sci-fi weirdness of Voivod-esque riffs and thats pretty much all the thought i put into the composition. I dont usually put too much thought into music as... i dont know... i just never had that emotional and subjective attachment to art, my mind is very mechanical and objective. If you ask me what does an artwork means to me or what makes me feel you pretty much won't get an answer from me lol, so as much as i love being a musician and making music myself, i never put too much thought other than ''hey, these notes sound good together and i have the musical theory knowledge so i can make it sound a certain way''.

Note to self: this probably isn't the best place to leave messages to yourself. Also, don't forget to pick up milk and bread.

Cory F. Jaeger @Quarl

Age 35, ♀ she/her

Coffee Filter

Alfred University

Groundhog Lake, Colorado

Joined on 5/30/05

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