Drugs: do not do humans. Humans are gateway organisms to other illicit substances like cats or even dogs. One minute you're getting swallowed by a human, next thing you know you're riding a horse 15 km/h through the woods.
Cory F. Jaeger
- Level:
- 32
- Exp Points:
- 10,992 / 11,370
- Exp Rank:
- Vote Power:
- 7.34 votes
- Audio Scouts
- 10+
- Art Scouts
- 1
- Rank:
- Private
- Global Rank:
- Blams:
- 787
- Saves:
- 1,724
- B/P Bonus:
- 18%
- Trophies:
- 16
- Medals:
- 748
- Supporter:
- 4y 1m 7d
- Gear:
- 2
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