Followed you from the NG audio pub Discord channel. Mix is over compressed but ignoring that massive over compression the elements are great. Love that lead bass synth. Drum samples and loops sound great. That's a nice unique tone from the ghost snares. Pad melodies are liquid AF.
Your mix down is the one thing really separating you from the pros. You need some new mixing and mastering tricks to spread around. It sounds like your slapping compressors on everything and boosting levels instead of keeping the levels to a more reasonable level. My mixing tends to vary a lot from track to track but some stuff to experiment with:
More sidechain signals. If you're already sidechaning the lead bass synth & sub using the kick drum and snare, I might recommend pushing the sidechain signal to really get that drum kit controlling bass frequency levels. I use a splitter in Reason to send that sidechain signal to anything I've slapped a compressor to. Your compressors should be able to increase or decrease the intensity of the sidechain signal, push it harder!
I can't tell how much panning is going on but when you pan stuff, there is an illusion that the sound is louder, letting you turn things down a little. I like to split my leads into two signals, one left and one right, to give me a little more fidelity control in each ear. This also lets me drop the levels a good bit and make room for other elements towards the middle. Obvs bass frequencies should be center stage but anything mid to high can be biased left or right. I like to automate the panning knob on the really high frequencies, make things pulse left/right/left/right. Panning data can give the illusion of movement but it's also just interesting to drive a listeners attention around the field instead of one static location.
A good thing to experiment with this on in this song would probably be that saw pad behind the bass lead. Using an 8th note pattern I'd try automating the panning data: 45, -45, 45, -45, 45, -45 or a more potent 55, -55, 55, -55, 55, -55 to give that saw synth some massive dynamic character.
Mixing for DNB requires some good balance and contrast to avoid a static mix down. You can really drive yourself crazy on the mix down but do spend some time focusing on it. I wasn't kidding when I said the only thing separating you from the pros is the mix (and a big following/cult). Sorry if my tips aren't helpful but there really isn't a cure all solution to mix and master. You have to compare yourself to the pros you listen to and try to find the techniques that will give you more fidelity control. You have LOUDNESS which is something a lot of producers don't understand, instead choosing to keep their mix downs quiet. You figured out the compressor, now work backwards! Make things a little quieter to make room for all that loudness :)
Sorry to drop this all on you. I really like everything going on I just want to hear my peers at their absolute best!