Quarl AIM 2022 Review
Composition/Structure (0-10), Production (0-10), Emotion (0-10), Relevance to Artwork (0-10)
Dryest, Dusk: 9,8,9,10 (36/40)
Lmao, massive relevancy points for that non stop rain. You didn't need to spam it all over the track but I laughed a little because of it. So many competitors missed an opportunity to make use of atmospheric samples, you went the opposite direction and Saran wrapped the entire track with one. It's honestly a little distracting from all the other elements. You wrote wonderful melodies and contemplative Jazz. I'm a huge fan of Mouse On The Keys, I like to point people towards them when someone manages to write a sound so similar. While the rain and thunder gave you massive relevancy points, I took off points to "Composition/Structure" and "Production" because that same element just brings everything else down a little. You handed me high-class down-tempo jazz and then suffocated it a little with that storm. For a guy called "Dryest" you ironically drowned the mix with that massive atmospheric sample. It's why I mentioned "I laughed a little because of it."
It would have done just as well at the intro and the outro, without playing entirely throughout the track. If it was your intention to depress everything with it's ever present and menacing omnipotence, you should have said so. I really dug into people during the review process for not making use of those author's comments to direct the audience's attention and confirm inspirations. The primary theme of this contest is "inspiration" and if you leave it entirely up to the judges to draw their conclusions you might miss the chance to captivate our feelings. Newgrounds is a community of like minded misanthropes, creative juggernauts, and vagabonds. We're like a crappy family sometimes, we'll argue or disagree but we still like to know more about each other. Back in 2013, an original AIM rule involved reaching out to the artists and asking for permission to write music to their illustrations. The goal was to build bonds, make new friends, and strengthen our shitty social skills. I'm reminded of that because so many users made the mistake of assuming that the music spoke for itself but there is always something to be gained by having a voice. I took one point off of emotion for missing an opportunity to connect to your audience but don't worry, I did it to like 90% of the people in this contest to stay fair. Don't be afraid to have a voice for those that will pay attention to it.
My college advisor and video professor at Alfred University had once taken a moment to inspire her students to blog about their work and several of them recommended publishing books. It's not necissarily an artist's primary focus but writing about your work is an emotional hook for those that can read. A successful artist can't exist in a vacuum. Publishing content is an important aspect of our lives and everyone does it now via facebook or twitter. It can be a little annoying in this day and age when digital opinions and thoughts seem to oversaturate everyone's lives but you're an artist and so am I. From this day on I challenge you to have more of a voice, if for anyone it's for your peers. I don't always read a wall of text but there are times when I do and am usually grateful for it.
All in all I hope this review was helpful in someway. I despise coming across like a raging bitch, have a good one Mr. Dry!