Needs a lead.
No offense man but this song is kind of boring. My opinion, it could have used a banging distorted sawtooth filtering through mad crazy like. Those vox samples are unbecoming of this track. The guy says "I bring death." I wish he brought pillows and blankets instead.
This song is incredibly empty. Throw a pad in there for great justice. Anything in the background would help fill the track up. You started to hint at it at times but something bright like a piano or some strings would have really helped out the track. And don't give me that "oh, but I was going for a really dark and boring atmosphere kind of vibe." This is just lazy all around.
Some more background fx and instruments would really have breathed some life into this. I guess I've already said that but I'll put some emphasis on it. Actually, experiment with putting some heavy distortion on that "lead" you already have and EQ the fuck out of it until you have something powerfull. What DAW you using man?