Really cool sounds and explorations! The synths are awesome. Some of these snare drums are unique, 1:04 sounded like it was being plunged. Is a drum layer getting reversed there? Some more variety in that plunged snare drum might have been amaze. I'm a slut personally for pitch bending and filtering drums periodically to emulate drum fills, helps accent the synths. You had some of that variety around 1:20 and 3:28 + 3:38. Loved those final breakbeats, the song would have benefit if you didn't save those snares for last. Layer them into the plunge snares? I also liked the snare towards the drop that starts to fade in @ 00:54. I think some of those sounds would have been great reused in the hard dubstep sections, little variety fills.
Look, I'm gonna be up front with you. Nachos, you have a snare drum fetish. This grievance is coming from someone that also gets off to certain snare drum textures, a hypocrite. If there was some kind of hidden message hiding in those snare textures, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Look, we all get our hearts broken. You didn't deserve it.
That final snare drum @ 4:03, let those tones ring out a little longer. Put a little reverb on that last snare texture, give the wave shape a cute little furry tail. tbh, that's my snare drum fetish.
Edit: the pixel animation is gorgeous <3