you think this comes close to skrillix? From a rhythmic/ melodic and structural outlook yeah. This is a really sexy song. The one thing you're missing out on is mixing/mastering. You've made some really sexy classical stuff in the past so I'm guessing this just isn't your genre so congratulations on branching out :)
If you want those next level beats you need to learn a few tricks for drum programming. First of all, where are your drums? In dance genres the drum kit is the most important part of the mix. It sounds like you might be playing a bit with layering but in case your not I usually have up to five differnt snares playing simultaneously to make a new sound. Slap a compressor on your drums to help get more power out of them. If you have the ability to merge all the snares into their own channel do that before EQing it all to get a super sexy snare. You can follow that trick on the kick too. Layer your bass kick, compress, EQ and experiment.
Since the drums are so important I usually make a drum kit BEFORE I go and make and entire song around them. Nothing sucks more than to make an awesome melody, pad, or lead only to turn around and not make a fat enough drum kit.
Either your sidechaining or some of your instruments have slow attacks. Both ways are good strategies :)
Some of your synths and pads sound a little lo-fi. I would have hidden them by turning some of the levels down on them and letting the drum kit rip... but seeing as how the kit was as it was I wouldn't have been able to hide them.
I guess to recap my review: DRUMS. Everything else is sexy as pie :)