So you just decided to shit out a song? Fuck you. This is awesome! I hate your talent! lol.
Rocking bass, solid drums, awesome sounds. There's nothing wrong with this track, it rocks all around. I hope your kidding about having done this all in one day, it's just too much, too good, too spectacular.
Really, if you did do this all in one day, then stop. Stop making music. You've achieved your paragon, your apex, your zenith. You can only go down from here. Believe me, it's a long steep hill downwards and the only thing waiting for you is pavement. Evil dirty pavement that infects you when you scrape your knees. Not that good soft pavement that spoiled your child hood. This shit is rough, jagged like the teeth of a lion man. You have no fucking idea.
Seriously though, your incredible.