Artist Lost, Pyromancers Village
Composition/Structure:6 Production:6 Emotion/Atmosphere:8 Art Relevance:10
Getting right into my review, I totally felt the relevance to the art work. Your song suits the illustration perfectly well. Instrumentation echoes the vibe; the song and the art practically belong together. I had to go full screen to notice the figures in the drawing but it looks like a peaceful community of exotic creatures spiritually in-tune with nature. Your choice of instrumentation seems notably intentional, it really sounds like the society in the drawing has it's own folk sound that they come together to enjoy communally. It's as if this is the tone of their tribe, 10/10 art relevance.
Production and structure got hit hard when I scored. I can hear a consistent pop from what I can only assume is where your looping something? I've only ran into that exact sound when chopping samples where the sound wave is anywhere other than 0.0 but apparently you can also get it while recording if bursts of air hit the diaphragm of your recording apparatus full-on. Whatever is causing it, you gotta fix it. It was so consistent that it kind of ruined the experience. It's a very repetitive song which is well and ok if the media is being made for a game or movie but I'm left wanting so much more. Every community has one musical try-hard that dreams of becoming the next Mozart, where is that try hard soloist in this composition? A single powerful instrument or voice punching through the drone could have been colorful. The song feels almost sad and monotonous, like this community has been droning along to this sad tune for a millennia. Most indigenous cultures develop a drone like style of music but it often relies on voice, think Gregorian chant or mantras. A simple MIDI chior could have peacefully droned in the background, there's a space in the mix for it. Wouldn't have helped the monotony too much but a climax might have benefited from something like it.
On that note, energy levels stay the exact same from start to finish which is where the composition/structure score suffers most. This song is 100% drone with no build ups, climaxes, surprises, tone changes, solos... I can listen to it a few times but I couldn't live in this village with this music constantly murmuring along. I would pack my bags and find a new furry community somewhere else.
I hope you find this review helpful in anyway. Your music is fine, inspired, and beautiful. Since it's a competition I'm leaning hard on the crit but I still loved listening to this and you nailed whatever it is you set out to accomplish. Just keep this review in mind for next year because there is so much potential in your skills. Good luck and stay strong.