Latadenata, Nurture
Composition/Structure:7 Production:8 Emotion/Atmosphere:10 Art Relevance:7
Respectably unique, loved the song. Unfortunately the inspiration could be brought into question. It's always a little dangerous to pick a piece of art that is predominantly lone figure surrounded with negative space because you're essentially writing a theme song for the character. The image can convey all sorts of ideas to you: the musician, but you're banking on the idea that the judges will hear the things you saw and feel the same things you felt. I'm glad you wrote about what you did because I can't say you weren't "inspired," that was brave and respectable, but this music might as well work with a lot of other works of art: it's interchangeable. I want to hear music that is so unquestionably inspired by the music that I can't separate the audio from the visual. I'm not tasting fruit in my mouth from this song. That is the one immutable feeling this art provided: fruit in mouth.
Subjectivity is always a tough cookie but this contest is going to put a ton of serious contenders in front of me and I focus very heavily on subjectivity. You've kind of shot your shot with a very specific character drawing. Aside from how well drawn the image is (it's beautiful), it doesn't convey a lot of musical ideas past putting a mango in my mouth. You could have just as easily wrote reggae, calypso, ska, salsa, or some other world genre and claimed that the image inspired you.
I'm going to focus on the yellow background because it's obviously a picture of a forest ran through a filter and the colors were all changed to yellow. You didn't seem very confident in what the background was (again, thank you for sharing your feelings). I can see ferns, a tree trunk, and vines hanging from the top of the yellow square to the bottom. It's not a "(kind of?) nature background," the background is very obviously a rain forest. Given that, you probably could have included more samples from nature? I gave you one extra inspiration point for that babbling brook sound towards the beginning but the score sat at 5 for a while because I just couldn't tie the work to the character in an indisputable manner. Though a babbling brook conveys a rain forest nicely, the image has no discernable moving water in it. Samples of birds singing are a very popular means of conveying a natural setting in a musical composition, they live in trees. Might seem cliched though, no one wants to sample birds for the umpteenth time but it might have helped you? I never hear anyone sample a rain-stick, an instrument literally invented to convey the sound of falling rain. That white noise towards the end almost hit that vibe, there were some percussive sounds that may have expressed the character eating fruit? It took me two to three hours of listening to this song on repeat to actually pick up on that though.
There is a lot I can say about the art and there is a lot I could say about this song but almost none of those thoughts happen simultaneously. We have a great song, a great piece of art, and they feel somewhat smashed together via questionably subjective ideas. I do love this song, it's very well done. tbh, mix is a little thin. There was plenty of room to boost some sub bass. I noticed that the song doesn't really climax either, it's one energy level the whole time. In a way, it's very plain and repetitive. Maybe the art is kind of plain too? I don't know, I've now listened to this song enough times that I'm starting to judge whether or not the image is even remotely inspiring in of itself.
I didn't volunteer to be a judge to have to nitpick the art that people choose but you picked a very plain piece of work and delivered a very plain piece of music. Coming to that conclusion hurts to say, so I'll toss in that I'm very sorry for saying it. No one wants their work to be called "plain." I gave some of your catalog a listen to see if your style changed to suit the art and I think it did. Maybe next year pick a work of art that has more going on in it so I can't sit still; typing up a confusing review for three hours. I tried my absolute best honey, I think you have a lot of talent and I'd love to keep hearing from you. Your style is beautiful. Force judges to hear the connections you hear, force us to feel what you feel. Eliminate "maybes" and deliver a work so confidently inspired that no one can question anything. That might mean that you have to pick a different kind of visual next year but you now understand some of the pitfalls better.
I think I've said everything I wanted to say so thank you for keeping me very busy today. I was averaging one hour per review, you just destroyed that record several times over. Stay unique Latadenata <3
EDIT: this was added at the moment I posted this, I've started calling certain sounds "low hanging fruit." The imagery didn't provide you a lot of low hanging fruit, you were banking on "a vibe" instead of finding the sound effects and conceptual ideas that would have compelled a higher score. Comparatively, this is still a good score but it was also one of the first songs I judged and one of the first reviews I wrote. Hope it doesn't hit any nerves, best wishes Latadenata.