lol, funny.
Well, it's not using samples :D so good job there. Just letting you know though that you can create original stuff in garage band without using a mic to record outside noises. There are built in midi creation devices, musical typing options and plenty of preset instruments you can tool around with to create your music with but you might all ready know all that. If you need any help with garage band let me know. I use it too :P
The song itself is pretty funny, reminds me of that episode of Harry Potter Puppet pals where everyone sings their own name. Or several tracks I've heared here on newgrounds... or the song I made for my final art crit last semester... well, the idea isn't new or original, but I'm just happy that you went right to work on a track that didn't utilize any samples after I asked you to do so. Good job man, I hope to see more out of you sometime. (Hell, this submission makes me want to upload that track I made for class, lol.)