
1,338 Audio Reviews

864 w/ Responses

Love that hip hop kit. It's always hilarious to hear completely different styles have to fight for attention. SNES vs Hiphop xD

This isn't a critical review but I just noticed... this melody reminds me of a song from Skies of Arcadia. Someone... help!

I loved it dude. You could stand to master your tracks a little louder though. I had to squint my ears to hear a few notes :p

Really cool track to listen to. It's always fun to hear artists evolve and I hope you keep exploring! This is fun track to listen to :)

Fuzzy-L0g1c responds:

Thank you for your review. I'm glad you liked listening to it. :)
I basically rely on Logic Pro's ability to automatically normalize a track to the typical loudness, but I think I contrasted the volumes too much so that the beginning is too quiet while the loudest part is just semi-loud. I'll have to look into it because I've always ignored that part of mastering.
Thanks again!

Laid back atmospheric drums, sexy piano melodies. This could really be used in a number of medias as back ground music. It actually reminds me of Metroid Prime. Good stuff man. Your compositions have really progressed. I used to be impressed with your atonal experimental dubstep work but I'm loving this melodic vibe you've gotten into. Keep pumping out the feels <3

Wait, you've been uploading music here since 2005 and I'm just now noticing you? Da fak, where have I been?

snoballandthmonyshot responds:

don't know.
i didn't really make a dent around here. had a couple of front pages. i rolled with king bastard, pitbull jones, sinerider, wintang, ljcoffee, cebster and erlie.
good chaps.
will check some more of your stuff soon

I wish I had this kind of work ethic these days. Really loving what your doing with the midi file <3

snoballandthmonyshot responds:

i ain't done anything new for months, 'long 14' was a salvaged old tune. thank you for forcing my toe back in the pool. and yeh, been looking to stick that oliver twist tune in a tune for moons haha.
good tidings

That was some really cool idm. Curious, what tools are you using? DAW, samples, synths the like? Really, I loved that aphex twin vibe you had going <3

snoballandthmonyshot responds:

hey chap, glad you enjoyed it.
yeh, the break that plays out at the end and overlaid in the intro is a loop named 'aphex break' from a sample pack so... I use ableton live. drum rack for drums there, mixed down then re-sliced and diced. synth a saw wave in operator. is some live then sliced clarinet near the beginning, live then sliced saxaphone near the end. the bass is just a couple of kick drums looped then pitched about for the mid bass stuff with a sub with operator here and there to bottom it up. then a bunch of wierd samples and that.
thanks for listening

That reese bass was solid. Just... why such a tiny snare? Literally the only gripe I have with this track is that small mosquito bite of a snare.

Cory F. Jaeger @Quarl

Age 35, ♀ she/her


Alfred University

Groundhog Lake, Colorado

Joined on 5/30/05

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