hahaha, crunchy. I had a number of disagreements with the mix from a standard producers point of view but the artist in me was really digging it. Those breaks were fun to jive to. Really simple mix concepts. Just a drum a bass and a pad but hey: simplicity can be beautiful.
For future inspirations: being sick is no excuse. The old surrealists used to intentionally deprive themselves of sleep until they hallucinated to inspire their work. I'm not sure about where your production skills stand at the moment but to clean things up I'll usually merge a few different drum layers into the same channel so that I can really keep things clean. As in: I like to send three kicks into a merger to make it all one signal and send the signal into an EQ, then a compressor, then to a mixer...
I like to have an entire mixer dedicated to drums which get's eventually gets chained to the main mixer where I put all my instruments and samplers. It's slightly convoluted but after doing it for so many years it's just basic. Need that extra control over those drums. Like I originally said, I was really digging the crunch aspect from a creative point of view but I might have wet myself if this was a cleaner track. There are some seriously good ideas in there tonally and rhythmically. It's just lacking that mix quality to make it sound professional. Much love yoshi <3