Quarl AIM 2022 Review
Composition/Structure (0-10), Production (0-10), Emotion (0-10), Relevance to Artwork (0-10)
Codefreq, Sweet Tooth: 10,9,10,10
For a theme song I feel like this was very well done, possibly even perfect. I looked at Ortani's original artist's comments about wanting to make "something cute and fun" and you managed to echo that very uniquely. Probably the most common critique I gave people is that they didn't make use of the author's comments to say a few things about how the art might have inspired elements in the music but you managed to make a song that spoke for itself better than most others. Music doesn't always speak for itself and an artist can always direct attention to key ideas. An artist can play with the judges emotions by adding that small human element. We love on our music much like a parent might dote on their kids. We love what we do and so many people just missed that opportunity to appeal to our feelings. I was asked to judge "emotion" after all and I take everything into consideration. We're a community, cult like at times. You didn't say much so I'm a little upset that I'm stuck over here doing all the work of trying to make the connections to the inspirations but at least you wrote a song that appeals to the imagery almost perfectly. Those kawaii fem vocals suit the Candi character and yes, I factored the silly candy puns. "Chew on this," "take that suckers." Very cute and in style. Jeez Code, you wrote a good one.
The music has an edge to it while still staying sweet and cute. I suppose the figure in the illustration could be ready to use that loli-pop as a weapon. A little Harley Quinn, a peppering of fun Adam West Batman high action orchestrations. I felt like there might have been minor issues in the mix but I'm not sure I can offer any meaningful feedback to improve it. I mean, the vocals sound like they were recorded in a big ass room. Aside from a negligible amount of room space on those voice recordings, the kick drum might have benefit from some more attention and power. I'm not sure if you sidechain at all but in EDM genres the kick drum is a massive part of the mix down and via sidechaining will push everything else out of the way. I'm used to heavy, charismatic EDM kicks. Compared to the energy and colors everything else has, the kick drum is the one element I can gripe about confidently. It's just not quite powerful enough, sorry my love.
I used that as my logic for taking off one point from your score, it really hurt to do. I really wanted to give this a perfect score but I'm trying to be as fair as possible to everyone in this contest. One last time, this song is so good. Have a wonderful day Codefreq and keep rocking out wonderfully.