It’s a great house track in the background. Ten out of ten as far as the track goes. I feel like you really used your animal samples to the fullest in this. They’re mixed in well, nothing jarring about them. Some competitors seemed to drop the samples on top as an afterthought. No proof you didn’t do that too but your mix skills really put everything together well. It’s not a short song either. If it weren’t for the dragon ball z samples, I’d approve of this in a club setting. Nice fat bass Aydi.
This track goes to a lot of places too. It’s not necessarily a short little thing. You kept this from getting stale. You killed me with that ending though, artist’s apathy. The ending really captured the feeling an artist experiences when they take a long hard look into the mirror and say “I need to stop doing drugs.”
I give this track 18 out of 7 stubbed toes.