Hmmm, taffyyyyy
I didn't like how random that one vocal sample thing was right at the begining. It's not like there isn't a place for it there, but it was just a little too randomly located. The hi hats at the begining were nice. The drums at 116 reminded me of Hive. Really cool. Despite the fact that the synth was the same at that part as the previous section, it just didn't sound as good, probably because it contridicted the drums too much.
If the vocal sample was placed at the same place the second time around, I didn't notice. It sounded like it was placed better, or at least it accented the hi hats better. I'm not really too sure. After hearing the vocal sample 100 times, it starts to get old. Sample some more vocals or something. Also, i'd like to know if this is a complete track. All your other songs have just been previews :)
In any case this was a good track. I'm voting five, but I think this might have deserved a four...whatever. You worked hard.