But how does she feel about Mondays?
But how does she feel about Mondays?
Probably she doesn't care, she hates Mondays for the roleplay
Gotta agree with P-PAMda, those colors and textures are elaborate. It doesn't seem to matter what style you are trying to get across, you always make things with complete attention to detail. Love the bubbles that imply we are underwater :D
Thanks! I feel like I generally work best when I focus on individual elements and work outwards from that. Somewhere along the way, things eventually start to fall into place. Gotta make sure when you zoom in you can't see the cracks!
Amazing colors and characters. What kind of music do they play? Please say death metal.
Oh- they are characters from the franchise Five Nights at Freddy's, last year on november/december, their new game got released "Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach" and I loved it
You can see the intro here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1O1-HR7-Qs
And I can recommend you a gameplay of the WHOLE game by Markiplier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClQ-ymoXJZc&list=PL3tRBEVW0hiDL09lO0xjKEix84OY27xet&index=86
It's a mudfish, he has a cup, this is so cute. The water is really beautiful. Everything has dense color and that line work is pro. Naturally I lack context, I have no idea what this means to you but I love it for what it is. It's very well done :')
it's our great-great-great-great-...-grandpa Tiktaalik contemplating life, just wanted to draw something cute to practice painting since ive gotten a bit rusty!
Out of all the glass you've uploaded, this is my fav. I don't know enough to speak to the technical skill, I just really like the colors and shapes. I know I ragged on the presentation in another upload but I like "production" images that shows the process a little :3
this is pink slyme from trautman art glass, im getting my hands on more expensive and harder to come by colors, rosaline from greasy glass is one i think youd like a lot if you enjoyed this. I really want to try golden ruby from molten aura, so expensive and whales clear it out when it drops....
I love glass, went to Alfred U but never took advantage of the glory holes. Stuck to digital media, enjoyed some foundry classes, studied music... my fiance is much more knowledgeable about glass blowing. I would love to see some of your work on a cleaner display surface. These uploads all come off like a Facebook dump. Get a couple of white cloths, some lighting, a pedestal... give your glass the photoshoot it deserves :')
oh yea lol i thought only i noticed that, from before i moved into my house just you wait people thanks for the review! softglass is cool, too big and theatrical for me personally. respect.
Once someone pointed out that she started out as a Canadian country singer I could never unhear the twang in her singing voice.
Me too.
I like that you added the software and specs. Gimp is rad, I use a version called Gimpshop skinned to look and operate more like Photoshop. Props for drawing with mouse. I've never held a tablet, look at all these cool kids running around with Wacom tablets, kids these days ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I've never downloaded brushes either. You obviously didn't use any special brushes, I think? It almost doesn't look like a pixel image, gotta zoom in to see the square details. As someone that does not pixel art help me understand, did you draw this by hand first? It's a really good illustration <3
Heya! Thanks for rating it. ^_^
Yeah I tend to add the software / specs of anything artistic I do and put up on the Interwebs for peeps to look at / listen to / read. GIMP is so useful for freeware. I honestly hate that Adobe Photoshop and its other programs are so damned expensive to buy or upkeep because of subscription-based renewals. Thanks though; it's really hard to draw with a mouse, even if it's all square-by-square / pixel-by-pixel. I do have a tablet, but I'd need to get used to it again--it was awkward using the pen on a smooth surface, and transcribing that to a screen. I am much more acquainted with just bog-standard drawing by hand on a sheet of paper. xD Classics, I know.
I only used what came standard with GIMP, no downloaded extras, either. But yeah, all the shading--all the everything--was done with a square brush. xD So I appreciate that YOU appreciate the ability to somehow bring out details doing that, (because I honestly don't have a clue how I managed it.)
I sketched this picture based on something I found online and used to be an old image I used for like profile pics, etc, (and I do not claim that as my own work--it was a background image I found online for my desktop years and years ago, back in...high school, I'd say.) So yeah, with any work I'd pixelize, I'd sketch or trace or draw it from scratch myself, panel dictate colors to use and such, and do it that way, rather than do the outline, in pixel, from scratch. So I'd scan a picture in I drew myself or find some royalty-free / non-copyright sources to help me 'collage' something together, and then make it into a full work of art. :)
TY, BTW. ♥ I've considered taking some of my old oil paintings or drawings I did way back for art courses and pixelizing them--so stay tuned, because I might do so to further test and exercise the ability to draw on a computer, because I really need it. xD
I could name one piece of clothing from this futuristic spandex jump suit. I think I can see a sleeve? Her boot and her pants are the same thing. You've invented a character for a fun strip game that can't be stripped. 10/10.
EDIT: Im just razzing you for fun by the way. This is not meant to be taken seriously. Great job as usual Helixel :3
it doesnt look like it but i do have undies i designed for her to wear under this!
Genuine criticism: who licks their own arm pits? I love your work Mr. Shark but even my boyfriend is looking over my shoulder right now like "sorry...that's kind of weird."
I need to stop showing him Newgrounds things :'l
EDIT: Oh duh, cat girl. For some reason that body language was lost on me despite owning three cats. Thank you for pointing this out. The drawing has taken on a new life. 10/10.
EDIT 2: I showed it to my boyfriend again like "ITS A CAT GIRL" and his response was "what's the blue thing." I'm so sorry for these messages, I'm just having fun. Keep drawing your drawings however you may draw them, I love your style.
Well it was suppose to be a play on how cats clean themselves but I'm sorry you and your boyfriend don't approve.
I'd say this is pretty tame for "Newgrounds" so might be for the best.
Note to self: this probably isn't the best place to leave messages to yourself. Also, don't forget to pick up milk and bread.
Age 35, ♀ she/her
Coffee Filter
Alfred University
Groundhog Lake, Colorado
Joined on 5/30/05