Interpretation of song's "story."
Hank kills poorly drawn but well animated sprites.
Hank kills poorly drawn but well animated sprites.
Hank kills poorly drawn but well animated sprites.
2:20- End
Hank kills poorly drawn but well animated sprites.
Seriously, the madness series is pretty straight forward... I feel no need to add a story to this song in order to enjoy it more, there fore I move on with my review.
First question I ask everyone is "what program are you using?" I'm gonna guess fruity loops, but in all honesty this could have easily been done in garage band. Not like that's a bad thing. My first program was garage band and I learned a lot from it. Really, garage band has a nice preset synth that sounds a lot like the lead synth later on in this track. It sounds like you automated some stuff, so I'm just guessing you're using fruity loops. That is, if fruity loops even lets you automate things. I don't see why it wouldn't.
The song is all right. It has some good elements in it, but it sounds really amateur. PLEASE, don't take that the wrong way. I don't want you to be offended, but I just want you to know, there's a big gap between your productions and a professionals. I still consider myself an amateur and I've been at this for a few years, so please don't take offense when I say that.
Now, you might want to know what makes me say that. Well, I could tell you all the reasons why I think that, but I honestly would have a really hard time telling you how to improve in these aspects. I felt as if this was your best, so the only thing I can really tell you is to just keep going. I just gave a few of your other tracks a listen and I feel like I can hear you gradually improving. Keep trying harder and harder and eventually you'll fucking rock man.
Now, I guess it would only be fair to let me tell you what I felt were weak spots in this mix so you can try cleaning up a little.
1. Vocals leave very little to the imagination, and they're kind of silly. This mix could probably do with out them.
2. Drum kit sounded kind of dull. A lot of times, just getting a good drum kit will really fix the entire song. Really, there wasn't even a snare in this mix. Take my advice, from a drummer to some one who obviously isn't... don't ever try to be unique, original or experimental with your drums until you understand what makes a basic drum beat sound good. I know that may sound like horrible advice, but the best way to get good at something is to stick to the rudaments. Granted, this track is primarily four to the floor, just giving a few of your other tracks a listen made me wonder "how does this kid go about writing drum rhythms? It doesn't sound like he understands anything but a solid kick."
Ok, please don't take that the wrong way either. Like I said, my goal isn't to offend you, so please hear me out.
If you want to learn the fundamentals of rhythm, go search some tabs online and copy them, YES, I SAID COPY THEM. We stand on the shoulders of giants, and before you can be good at something, you have to be bad at it. The reason why any one is good at anything is because we have other people to look up to.
Besides, I can guarantee that any rhythm you find in tab form is gonna be basic and unoriginal any ways :P
3. There was a cheering sound halfway through the mix. It adds a bit of depth to the mix, but it sounds really muddy. You could have replaced it with a synth of some sort and it probably would have been fine.
4. You might have benifitted from a few extra pads. A pad works like a chord in that it adds depth and atmosphere to a song. I feel like you really only had one pad in this track, or at least one instrument that acted like one. It was the wind sweep.
I really need to end this review because I'm about to run our of characters, but I really hope some one else leaves from where I left off. I guess all I have left to say is keep producing and you're guaranteed to get better. Just keep your head high and work work work! Trust me, it only gets more fun ;)