( > Y > ) they are pointy cuz im excited
Psh, what a shitty review toast.
The drop was the best part. That nuero bass was so wet IF & D.matrix. Really crisp stuff. What are you guys using for this collab? I'd be curious to know how those basses were put out.
Hey Quarl!
Thanks for the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed those basses!!
Our DAW of choice is FL 12 and the drop is composed with Sytrus, Serum, Massive, and FM8. That neuro bass was actually a vocodex bass and we used a bunch of slide notes. The Neuro FM was made of an FM8 Modulating a neuro carrier from Sytrus. Serum was used three times in this part of the drop. Two of the serums were growls and the last one was used for pitch bending. Massive was used for its performer functions, also a flanger and vocodex was used to create that "liquidy" sound.
I hope that helped a bit!
Nice vibes. Raunchy. IMO snare could have used a high frequency layer like an 808 snare or a clap. That snare had some nice bass to it but I like getting punched in the face by a snare. I'm a masochist. A ride cymbal or some tambs could have made that beat a little more layered.
Cool of you to note the sorrowful memory samples. I'm not that cool. I usually just shrug now a days because literally everyone that makes EDM samples in some odd way. Right down to the synths people use, there's almost always some kind of sample library behind the instruments. Like I said, that was really nice of you. I looked up 이문세 - 애수 just to see, I'm guessing it was the horns? I still have these Sorohan Mihai samples on my computer from the Hey Babulia remix contest ages ago. This track is giving me some inspirations!
Cool track Devil, 10/10 :)
Thank you so much, and also for the very detailed review; I know what to do next time. I'm glad that I gave you some inspiration ^^
I hate it when data gets lost. Great track to revive! Loops perfectly. Most artists now a days get that digital arp sound with aid from a machine so kudos to writing it out! This track reminds me of something you'd hear out of a Final Fantasy sound track :)
Funny you mention Final Fantasy, because Final Fantasy X (the original OST, not the HD remaster) actually influenced a lot of my soundtrack-writing, along with Kingdom Hearts and a few other things. FFX in particular had this part orchestral, part synth, all MIDI sort of sound that felt like it belonged either in late 1990s enka music, or on the PlayStation 1.
Really glad you like it ^_^ That arp was fairly easy to write. Kinda doesn't help that when you're classically trained in piano, one of the things you're drilled into doing over and over AND OVER AGAIN are... well, basically, arps. What used to be the bane of my existence seems to fit perfectly here.
You're so modest when you self deprecate. "Oh, dear my gentleness. Here's something that I hope sounds okay." I get super into the self deprecation like "FUCK ME IM A HYPOCRITE."
Ahem. Lovely tune. The piano that punches me about a minute in is so effing nice. I might have tried dragging it in with a big crescendo and an obnoxious amount of rubato but I'm a whore like that. Your version resolves perfectly. I just rewinded 50 times to receive maximum satisfaction from it before even finishing the song. I came out swinging like "FUCK ME WHERE IS THE RUBATO AT MOTHER FUCKER??" before even listening to the whole track. The piano was perfect the way it was.
Holy shit why did your song make me hyper? I'm going to burn it to a disc and listen to it all the way to Philly tomorrow. Four hours. It's that good.
Domo Arigato, Mr. Rubato. Well I'm really glad you like this track! Have fun in Philly- going to Pico Day?? Thanks for the nice review!
This brings back some oooooooold memories. I used to watch a few old episodes on VHS growing up. I was a damn little nugget last time I heard this melody :')
Glad to hear you like it. There is a pack with the separate stems if you fancy a remix ;)
Thanks for the review.
Oh yeah, I enjoyed that. It sounded like you were using garageband. Were those synths and percusion sounds from old faithful? No shame, I started out in garage band almost a decade ago and some of my all time favorite tunes came out during that period. Not a lot mind you, but one or two.
Despite the simplicity of the track the sounds all melt together to make a really intelligent whole. Listening to the arrangement is thought provoking. I feel like you gave every hit an ounce of genuine thought. Again, I need to acknowledge the fact that I have no idea what your creative process entailed but the output of that process delivered a really organic sound juxtaposed with a mechanical driving force. Great work Sunny!
Thanks, its just the standard ableton sounds with some fine tuning. i Used push for the creative process with drums, and piano and continued at the Workstation clicking the synth from the beginning (its like a very high bass) and the baseline. For the dynamic effects i used compressor and side chain on the bass and added an extra drum line to make the bass sound more pumping. For Synth and piano i also used "layered instruments" function of ableton with 2 or 3 Instruments in one group. Thanks for your words (my english is a little rusty^^) !
The real secret to making a good heavy metal song is about five years of experience making heavy metal music. Once you cross that threshold I can assure you that writing heavy metal songs get's kinds of easier. Seriously though, I loved to hear your attempt to bring the sound out even if you aren't metal mozart. Experimentation is key to getting better at art or music. Wish I still had that kind of energy in me but most of my crap these days is the same old bull shit.
If your still going to make this kind of music you should listen to other artists in the metal category that are doing the same thing. Ask them how to properly mix some of your sounds. I might not be a metal person but I'd recommend sidechaining the bass with the drum kit to help de-mud some of the mix. Growing up, newgrounds let me collaborate with all kinds of people and I'd be shocked if that resource dried up. Don't be afraid to reach out to people! The next metal track you output could be a collaboration with someone who has the same program as you. I've done that with StanSB, Sessilenomad, Sinerider... I'm sure a few others too but I'm forgetful in my old age.
Keep up the good work Razor!
Yeah. I don't usually stick with ONE kind of music, I may never pick a genre. My mixing skills are kind of a work in progress. I have a long way to go, and I know it. I'm going to keep trying, and it's comments like these that keep me going. The fact that people with way more musical experience than me atleast think my music isn't just ugly-noise-stuff is absolutely amazing. Thanks. This comment means things to me. I will certainly keep the good work.
Note to self: this probably isn't the best place to leave messages to yourself. Also, don't forget to pick up milk and bread.
Age 35, ♀ she/her
Coffee Filter
Alfred University
Groundhog Lake, Colorado
Joined on 5/30/05