Hi lead synth, my name is quarl and I love you. I can hear those arpy trills. You can't fool me, you're doing sonic fast arpeggios and I love it. Sexily unique lead. Hi. I love you synth, yes I do.
My only useful critique is on the lack of aux percussion and mid frequency field. It's a really clean mix but there is room for so much more. Additional hi hat rhythms, tambs, rides, triangles, shakers, toms, bells, gongs. This could use some splashy crescendo drum rolls, and nasty drum fills. I love to remind people that vibraslaps and güira are things. WINDCHIMES. This track needs some breezy windchimes, I've decided it.
I kept imagining a large boat horn, sounds of the dock or ocean. I could hear crowds of people, seagulls cawing, kids running around, and this audio field has room for so much more sound. Don't get me wrong, the mix comes off across super clean, it was perfect in so many ways. Just consider adding some aux percussion or some additional samples. Spacelaces once told me that atmospheric samples can add character to a track and help people remember it.
Using my own experiences as an example, a kid here used the sound of someone sipping a slurpy or icy drink through a straw and I listened to that track everyday for the next month. I was like "THIS SOUND IS SO UNIQUE, WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT TO SAMPLE THAT?" On that note, I just spent an hour searching through my favorites list just so I could listen to that track again because I forgot it's name.
Found it:
(It was actually the squeaky toy sound that I fell in love with late track. I forgot about it and remembered the drink instead but the point is I remembered the track.)
Fuck I love your arp lead. I'll probably listen to your track a few more times until I can make an arp lead like this that I'm happy with. Hi synth, quarl loves you, yes I do.