Another great track. I think the lead synths could have been turned down a little bit... how much panning is going on? I love the qualities of this track so much but I'm going to nit pick the mix a little bit. Everything sounds like it's coming in mono. Getting a little experimental with your panning can create space in the mix for everything that's going down. I'm not sure if this is good advice or not, but I like to automate certain instruments from side to side sometimes. Low quality speakers will sometimes lose areas of the field when you do that but I don't make music for people with potato spud monitors.
Panning creates the illusion that sounds are louder than they actually are so you can pan an instrument a little then turn down the volume to help make room. Then take another instruemnt and pan it in the opposite direction to balance things a little bit. You can get creative with it. The better you get at panning the more often certain instruments develop a mental home location. Personally, hi hats, tambs, shakers will often get hap haphazardly tossed far to one side of the field, bass kicks and instruments take up mono center, pads go where they are needed to help buff the field... everything falls into place :D