
1,337 Audio Reviews

863 w/ Responses

Holy sound jesus batman.

Har, sounds like alot of work went into mixing this up. I really like it. Sounds pretty original. Not as original as lets say, padman, but it's out there. Really funky man. Sweet rhythem going on. haha, that quitar is so awesome...wah peddle? Arrr. So many sick sounds going on. I have to download/5 vote this. How could I not?

Jenni-Harry4eva3 responds:

Lol, yeah. Whole bunch of funk, mixed with major DNB (Drum 'n' Bass) and then more crap all around it :D. Actually, the guitar I used in my program is called 'Funkman' XD. Weird huh? Lol. Thanks for the download and 5.


Pirate rape.

Hmmm, classic beat. Sweet pad melody. Hey, it just got sick. REminds me of some pretty classic dnb. Sick bass. You either 1: worked really hard on this, or 2: used alot of samples. Either way, it's mixed pretty good...AR!?


This has a nice blend of sounds. The piano progressed nicely. It was a bit strange at first, but when it got a bit further into the song it really came together. The rhythems are nice, and the pads are sweet. You did a pretty good job here. Really original.

Suspended-3rd-Chord responds:

hey, thank you for the nice comments.

I've noticed you reviewed 1 or 2 of my tracks before, as always, I greatly appreciate you reviewing my work man!

ARrr, not bad.

Hmmmm, sounds pretty cool. Some of it was a little too simple...uhhh...I'm afraid this isn't dnb though. Not even close. It's more like, dance or techno or something. Hmmmm, that aside, this is pretty neat. I liked that voice sample. The track progressed nicely, and every thing accented nicely. This is one of those track that sounds better the more you listen to it. I let it loop a few times in my browser while typing up this review. Good work...keep at it, and upload some more stuff!

Gauvner responds:

I know its not DNB Now lol i didnt know what catagory to put it in but cheers :) this one is kinda a sample for future works keep a look out \m/


Sweet ska jesus batman. Newgrounds needs more of it. Glad you decided to upload you're crew. You need a better recording, but I can tell you guys have some serious fun...unless your one of those guys who records only himself playing and doesn't do shows...hmmm, lyrics=generic, but whatever. At least the guy singing isn't that bad. He's not great, but he's not horrible, so he's like, right there in the middle. Right where a ska vocalist needs to be.

The drums are very genre specific, horns, guitar...it's all pretty much been done, but you guys nailed the sound. I might recomend trying to branch out and try sounding a little more original, but...eh. It doesn't really matter that much. As long as your having fun. That's really what matters most. You get my 5.

AceIH responds:

I'd consider some of the other songs I've posted to be more original...Faux was an attempt to do something a bit different, and even The Performer was written as a ska song (but that one I had to perform on my own, because my ska band didn't like it).

But yeah, even if it isn't our most original, it is, hands down, the favorite of most everyone (not including me) in the band, just because of that energy.

Anyway, thanks for the review! For a second, it looked like none of my new submissions were getting any attention.


Downloaded the preview a while back, so getting into the track was really easy for me. This song is so sick. There are some thing I liked better about the preview (it was more straight forward.) I got a little bored when the chorus wasn't playing.

I've never really been a big techno/trance fan due to the fact that i'm a drummer and the rhythem kills me (four to floor just isn't my pie) but it's not like it's bad. In fact, you accomplished exactly what you set out to do with it, so my dissaproval there is only a personal prefrence, and shouldn't be taken into account next time you set out to make a track. Really, if I was into it, i'd really like it.

Aside from that, everything sounds simply awsome. Just keep up the good work man. Really, I have to stop by your page more often. (Side note. After hearing the track loop a few times, I don't get as bored with the other sections. It sounds fine.)

hahaaahaah ahahshfahsfvah ahsfhs eg, drums. :P

haha,ah ah a haHA VAAHHHAAHHAHHAHAHAHAHA AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Seriously though, this tickled me a couple of times. You sound just like this kid in my band. Right down to the rocken out rebel yell.

StereoTactik responds:


Nice music, bad sound.

If you can't decide on a genre, just go with misculaneos or whatever. It's cool, alot of stuff gets thrown into that category :P

You have some nice stuff going on in this track. The melodies are nice, but the instruments sound a little weak. Try playing with them a bit, make em sound a little more powerful or something. Other than that, you got some nice stuff going on here. Keep on keeping on :D


I said I wasn't going to drop a review, but I just noticed that you suffered from the in justice of a zero vote parade. Fuck those brats. This track deserves better...honestly. I hate immature little snobs. They probably don't even listen to the tracks. The only track that deserves a zero, is one with nothing on it. Honestly, there should be a hook up, that allows mods to follow zero voters and ban them or something. Really though, this track is sick.


Trying to keep in mind that it's not your style...

Hmm, sounded a little weak. I'm not trying to insult you, it was nice for what it was, but I think you could have used a stronger drum. It sounded cheap. Not just the snare, but the bass and the hi hats sounded pretty bad. The rhythem wasn't that bad, it was just the sound of it.

The whistle melody was iery and cool. The claps fit nicely. I think the synth cold have used a bit more bass behind it. For a song titled "let the pianos play" it could have used a little more piano. The little piano melody was just, too simple. In anycase, the song loops really well. I didn't even know when it was looping :P

I'd say to go back and work on this some more, but address the problems your reviewers leave you with. I think this song could be more powerful. It's just missing stuff. It's not bad, it just doesn't sound like your using profesional equipment/presets. I don't know how true that is, maybe not at all, but if that's what it sounds like, then it doesn't really matter whether you did or didn't.

And please, don't look at my review like it's an insult. I'm just trying to help. You have some really cool tracks. You're dnb stuf is sick. I'm not sure if hip hop is where you should invest your talent. I think it belittles your real talent. I'm listening to malfunction right now,...damn sick. I'm giving this a three, but I'm giving malfunction a five...I'd drop a review on it too, but I fell like I've typed up enough here. Again, i'm sorry if I sound condensending or something.

Para-Noid responds:

Hey, there's always the critics man. Where ever you go, you see them. Some are good ones, some basically slap your face.


Cory F. Jaeger @Quarl

Age 35, ♀ she/her


Alfred University

Groundhog Lake, Colorado

Joined on 5/30/05

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