All right.
Well, I'm not a fan of the more dance oriented electronica genres, so hopefully some one else will be able to leave a more in depth review for you. I'll think about nominating you as an underdog in the audio forum, hopefully that will get you some more reviews.
When I saw "Gerudo Valley Remix" in the advertising thread, I had to check this out. That was probably one of my favorite songs from ocarina. I've downloaded a few remixes of it off of newgrounds. This one isn't the best, but believe me, it's by far not the worst. There are some parts of this that feel kind of empty. I understand that you can only do so much with a remix, but that doesn't mean you should hold back at all from making this your own. Really, go nuts!
Some of the instruments sound like they could use some work. The melodies are perfect, but the atmosphere the sounds create just seem a little off. Try working with the instruments a little more until you get a more professional sound out of them.
The instrument at around 1:08 is the piece of this track I dislike the most, the way it quickly fades and comes back. You can get that kind of effect to work, but it doesn't here. Try fine tuning that.
All in all, I'd say that this is a good beta. When you get the final out, send me a pm. Try not to submit the song until you get a little more feed back though, trust me. If I can get you any more attention in the under dog thread, I'm sure that the people there will be able to get you some more adequate advice.