Love it Jern. I'm in the same boat in that I didn't "master this proper by listening to it on the car speakers, on my phone, over the WalMart PA system, through a can with a string." Glad to see someone taking LMMS to new heights. Instrumentation and writing is top notch! Super funk vibes. I love how many directions this goes in. That lounge jazz section around two minutes in was a solid change up and the down tempo drums coming back in was arguably sexy. The length of the track shows off amazingly inspired song writing skills. You didn't keep things static or unchanging and I know Spadezer will love that. I tried doing that with my track but felt the entirety of it revolved around a repetitive Rhodes chord progression. You more or less nailed what I wanted to do :3
Good luck Jernemies! Our bracket is sounding tight. Looks like we still have to wait to see what cMackie brings forward. It's not too late to team up and kill him I guess?