Gonna have to give this more listens laturz, tablet monitors at the moment. Only way I'd have made this better would be with a 2x osc saw/sine lead programmed with sweeping portamento, pitch/shift mods, and automation lanes for them. Portamento slides and pitch/shift modulators are awesome but the option to automate them on/off creates a very human feeling.
That is such specific feedback but the track itself is amazing. Chord progression is lush. Drums sound nice and full (on my tablet). Aux percussion is killing it. That vocal melody is hauntingly gorgeous. I'm curious what that is. Sample, recording, midi instruments, or something more mysterious?
I'm gonna ask you guys to gush a little bit about the creative process under author's comments. An artist's statement is an important tool to communicate ideas. Telling us to check out Yasiin is legit, he is very talented. Though, you could include some more feelings or thoughts. Newgrounds is a community of creative people and artists. They love to learn and share ideas. While it feels safe to assume that your music will speak for itself, saying a few things might attract a larger audience. Make yourself personable to some degree. I realized at a certain point that if you say nothing about your work, you are just a webpage to everyone that stops by. A webpage serves to be used. Force people into acknowledging that you are a person, not just a webpage :D