Everratic, The Witch At The Prom
1]Technicality 2]Production 3]Composition 4]Emotion 5]BonusPoints
10,8,8,10,7 x 2 = [86/100]
Getting right into the critiques because I'll compliment your strengths along the way....
I felt like bass tones could have been pushed some more but the mix was well done for the genre. I want to fight my EDM bias, we tend to over load the spectrum but I couldn't help but think that you could have done even more with every section. I've been telling people lately "you need to mix a few bricks to know your limits." Not that over compression is a great thing but there was a lot of space in that wave shape to boost tones. This is a hard critique to focus on because you apparently used a lot of instrument patches, but my lizard brain only picked up on a handful of sounds at any given moment. Multiple listens allowed me to focus on the atmospheric elements more, but they could have been pushed harder especially during the rests. The dubstep artists manage to max out their orchestral sections so you might be at a slight disadvantage when you only stick to one genre, tone, or energy...
My next critique will focus on longevity, half of the final contestants went extra-long and the other half seemingly extra-short. You wrote a very inspired and ever changing two minutes; it's practically a slap in the face to that 8 minutes of prog house Sequenced wrote. Less is sometimes more. I'm a strong believer in the philosophy that a song is however long as it needs to be, two minutes for any other project is perfectly fine but three minutes is the bare minimum I put on tracks written for the Death Match. There is always room for some ambient tune up, orchestral whispers, or even a cough to liven up the atmosphere. I could have imagined a female chior patch sounding nice in this. Heck, the story you mentioned focused on gender bendy fuckery, GIVE US SOME CHIOR PATCHES, MAKE THE MALE CHIOR FIGHT THE FEMALE CHIOR FOR DOMINANCE. WOKE-AGENDA SHIT: MAKE SURE THE FEMALE CHIOR WINS, NO ONE WILL SEE IT COMING. CHEF SMOOCH.
Sorry, the previous outburst had nothing to do with your scores. It's just a conceptual idea, if you're going to incorporate inspiration like that then feel free to let me know what exact sounds translated to the story in your own words. You provided a lot of data in that description and I'm sure by now you know how much I appreciate that. There are a lot of great ideas in this track but I felt aware of your strengths now and maybe I want to hear you try some new techniques or genres? Again, that doesn't really affect any of my scores it's just a foot note (edit: I lied, another point came out of bonus points to help offset bracket scores. I went back and felt that your track trailed everyone else's this round.) Newgrounds artists have always been at their strongest when progressively mixing genres and styles. You wrote some wonderful romantic orchestral, you could have tossed in a glittering synth patch to keep all the silly dubstep judges happy. I'd have accepted a preset patch, I'm not picky D:
In the end I took two points off production, for what I felt like was a blindness to the overall spectrum and in respect to the other contenders (final round, I can't ignore that eliasalija also went orchestral but managed a noticeably bigger sound). The two of you had a lot in common coming into the end here. Your digital tools could have boosted instruments and sections to match his energy. I did notice you managed some very sensitive panning, loved it. I'll come down just as hard on eliasalija for the longevity of his track, that's where I'm taking off two points. You two are very strong composers, please forgive the two points from composition. I noticed the commentary about how busy you've been so I'm sorry, but I don't feel like I can be a little more generous given the nature of the competition. I'm the easiest judge to draw tens out of but I'm sticking to the idea that deathmatch songs should be three to five minutes long in respect to the other contenders. The three points subtracted from "bonus points" is my way of describing your track in the overall line up for this round, the other contenders felt much stronger, imo.
Hope my input is all well and good, you and many others deserved to make it to the finals so congratulations Everratic! I hope the hectic nature of your life will resume to a regular pace and the stress eases. Cheers and word up to that winners bracket bonus!