You're lucky. I don't normaly review shit when i'm drunk. But i'll make an exception. I remember hearing the rough version of this track a hell of a while ago. I thought it was pretty solid back then. To be perfectly honest, I kind of liked the older version better. It might be because of familiarity, but it's honestly really hard to tell the deference between the two without listening to the old track.
If there's something this track is missing, It might be a heavy bass line. That sub is really tight melodicly, but it just doesn't varry alot. It's always there and it never really stands out. It just kind of sits in the back. The piano melodies are good, but for the most part, they sound excatly as they did in the original version.
The effected rhythms are fun. They're out of the norm, but as far as electronica will take them, thy're not too complex. The melody rhythms were also really predictable. Despite knowing the orignal track, I still felt like I could tell waht was going to happen next. Also, that fade out could have lasted a bit longer. What I do, is, I like to fade out at a less perdictable time. Lets say, mid bar. I think it sounds a bit better that way.
The mix was awesome. Everything came in great. The piano, sounded great. The vox was perfect. The drums were great. There was so much to like about this track. The only thing I hold against it is that I've heard it before. I know you were planning a full version since you're preview thing, but I really felt like all I got was an extended version with nothing new. I'm sorry if that comes off wrong. I loved that track. It deserves a sick score, but I feel as if the preview acomplished more than the final version hoped to sew up.
Oh. I'm sorry if this review sucked. I'm fucking waist ed. I'd pray that you hit me back up with at least a waisted review. I tried so hard to keep it comprehendible ;D