Curious, why rewire to cubase when reason is fully capable of awesome sauce on it's own? In any case, I think I'll take this time to give you an insightful/helpful review. If I wanted to be nice I'd say GREAT JORB but I kind of feel like beating up on you today.
Drums can be stronger. Not sure if you enjoy them sounding like the way you have them, but try this: Make an instance of the redrum, initialize it. Make two spider audio mergers and two instances of the mastering suite combi. Now run three wires into a merger and four into the second. Then run each through their own mastering suite. The splitter with three wires will be dedicated to kicks and the one with four will be dedicated to snares. Viola. Amazing layering complete with advanced control over the characteristics of the drums. Now create a mixer solely for the drums. Channel one and two should be your kick/snare. Now make another redrum/ initialize it. Send it into the drum mixer. Once this is done start setting up the aux sends with effects.
Try playing with delay. I like to put a little delay on the hi hats/ shakers. This makes it really easy to get nice dynamics with out even trying. All you have to do is accent every other note. If you can't get a decent drum sound through layering, try setting up an aux with distortion and hit up that snare a tad. I like to leave room in the aux sends for some reverb, but it's up to you. Typically, I'll only use reverb on the hi hats if the track needs a little more space filled out. Or I'll automate the drums to have heavy reverb at specific times. A bass kick with heavy reverb really sounds nice when used at the right time. A great time for it in this track would have been around 4:45 when the kick is holding the tempo. Just saying, would have been nice.
Now lets work on that reese. I find that the malstrom is great for getting a really hard reese sound. Initialize, set two sawtooths *16. Get the ocilators running through the filters and get the frequencies all the way up. Throw on some scream distortion. Go the mixer and up the treble a tad. You should now have something that resembles a really strong reese. Play with the parameters until you have perfection.
Now I'm not sure how much automation you use, but I find that it's really useful to run automation on everything you can. I find that my malstrom synths typically average around 10 lanes of automation. You really can't go wrong with it sir. Unless of course your using reason 3 in which case I implore you to upgrade. I got the chance to play with reason 3 a while back and all I have to say is that reason 4 makes automation a hell of a lot more fun. Hmmm... I guess that wasn't too helpful if your still on 3. Sorry.
Now, I felt as if this track really lacked a climax. Maybe if you upped the octave of the pad that comes in at around 3:20 and threw on some distortion, you might have a neat little lead. Up the reverb even. Dunno. There's always room to play. If you ever feel as if you like something too much to experiment with it and your too pussy to see how far you can push the undo button, just make a new synth and move the note lane over. No one's looking. Don't feel bashful. Try it.
All things said, it's a great song. If I was wrong about you using reason 3, then I say we collab sometime in reason 4. Who knows. Maybe we could make something beautiful. Peace.