The Greeks made gods for things like wine and sex. The Egyptian gods were basically furries. We can't have fun with our bullshit anymore, let's bring back polytheism so we can make up gods for fun contemporary things like cars, fleshlights, and MDMA.

Cory F. Jaeger @Quarl

Age 35, ♀ she/her

Coffee Filter

Alfred University

Groundhog Lake, Colorado

Joined on 5/30/05

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New Music Video!

Posted by Quarl - April 21st, 2023


I. New Music Video: continuity error

I got something that I'm wonderfully proud of today but have yet to find an audience for it. I shared it in a few small circles and got almost no feedback (or negative feedback) but I suppose most artists have trouble finding an audience. I'm not special. My definition of music has always been about making myself happy first, and with this music video I am very happy:

Perhaps I should have taken the time to master the audio as the bass guitar is inaudible on speakers without a bass amp. Made an assumption that a bass guitar would have enough tones to remain present on most speakers and a simple EQ/compressor would clean it up but was very wrong. Such is life. Really didn't expect to love the outcome of this video but truthfully it's the drums I'm most happy with. You can download the audio here on Newgrounds if you so feel.

For the last year I've been "relearning" drums since I sold my last drum kit in my early 20s to afford a move to California where I reset my life in a sense. Much like riding a bicycle, playing an instrument comes back fast. I've also spent a lot of free time this winter learning how to play guitar and the one melody I wrote in high school came back almost immediately. It feels so good to be drumming again, I only wish I was in better physical shape. I live at a high altitude (8,600 feet above sea level) and the lack of oxygen plays a massive roll in my endurance. I firmly believe that a better diet and regular exercise is what I need most but I lack the discipline to get stronk. We actually have a rowing machine in the living room but sitting on it and pulling the cord is the most boring thing I can think of doing.

II. Grooming Young Girls For Their Fertility

Did that get your attention? Tom and I bought three more baby chicks this year to replace the one we lost to a skunk attack last fall. The place we got them from only sold them in numbers as low as three, hence 3=1. We're also picking up a rooster today to help protect the girls in the future and possibly fertilize the eggs. My studio space right now looks a little comical:


III. You Deserve A Better Quarl

I asked Shal for permission to post a comic strip with his likeness in it but I haven't heard back from him so I'll just assume he hates it and I was right to ask for his permission to post it. I really have no idea what people think of me and will quickly delete things when given the opportunity because I don't want to come across like degenerate scum. It all goes back to an identity that revolves around a desire to be funny and make people smile. On the night of my moms suicide, I was cracking jokes through my tears because it's just how I cope. As an adult, I have a desire to stay true to who I am but I also don't want to come across as lacking thought or tact. I'm sorry if anyone has been bothered by my sense of humor but technically I developed it from growing up here, on Newgrounds. If anything, my sense of humor is YOUR fault, Newgrounds. Regardless, I'm always looking for ways to improve but I can promise that I will continue to be paradoxically irreverent and apologetic until I can figure out what it all means on an existential level. I'll post the short strip in my next blog if Shal comes around with permission, he's probably just busy... I hope. SHAL, HEY! REMEMBER THAT TIME WE SPENT TOGETHER? DO YOU REMEMBER ALL THE GOOD TIMES?? REMEMBER WHEN YOU TOLD ME ALL OF YOUR SECRETS AND I KEPT THEM BECAUSE I'M A GOOD FRIEND??? Me neither, you've never told me your secrets but if given the chance I would keep them safe...

IV. Have A Nice Day

Tom and I are about to run off to town to pick up the rooster, it's going to be a very busy day. We're still snowed in on the mountain but the snow in the driveway is melting fast:



We still have to come and go in a tracked vehicle but it's not like we didn't prepare for this. The snowmobile has an issue with the clutch not engaging, currently that vehicle is inoperable. We also got our tracked Jeep stuck in the snow this winter but we were finally able to get it out of the deep snow after some melt which brought our numbers back up to two snow vehicles. We rely mostly on a tracked Polaris Ranger, you can watch some of my older music videos from Jamuary to see it in action! Gotta finish this blog off fast, GOTTA GO FAST. GOODBYE NEWGROUNDS, LIVE LONG AND PROSPER.

~ quarl




What do you feed your baby chicks? I’ve been told most chicks need 3 oz of human blood a day in order to survive, but I feel like one 8 oz steak a week would do just well. Thoughts?

lmao, where did this edgy sense of humour come from? You're supposed to be my wholesome friend. You're the one that makes sad cartoons with hope using cute pastels. I'm the one that jokes about human blood and how much you can store in a work fridge before people start asking questions. How dare you try to steal MY thing. BACK TO THE DUNGEON GARDEN. ANOTHER OUTBURST LIKE THIS AND I WON'T FEED YOU THOSE FISH HEADS YOU LOVE SO MUCH.

@Quarl I can be edgy too :)

I still think it's clean AF
I really enjoy the organic essence of non-quantized beats, funky triggers, and actually, ya know, playing all the gah damn instruments yourself.

Think your cymbal samples could be changed out but that's about it! Speaking of I am working on some myself

A noice composition

I realized today that I have the exact skill set necessary to make clown core videos. I'll consider what you have to say about the cymbals. I'm still just in love with having a drum kit again.

@Quarl I would pay to see this. Perhaps literally

I just need to spend some money on a clown mask or some clown make up.

@Quarl Don't forget a big pink and blue wig