I do these every so often to get a check up for some of the cooler things I've been listening to. Enjoy a few new tunes :)
Ok, this Aphex Twin track is an old favorite of mine but it's a cool video.
YokoBono. This doesn't belong here but I laughed at it, so have it.
Throwback track. Is ska classic rock at this point?
and finally 30 minutes of beardy man doing his improv schtick
Wasn't expecting to spend half an hour on a beatbox improv session but wooo Beardyman's pretty impressive. Wish the switch-up's weren't all as frequent sometimes though. Some awesome groves seem to get killed before they really flourish.
No doubt = classic Ska at this point no? ;) Wish I'd been to a live show at least a bit like: https://youtu.be/qf_tfei05oU
Yoko Bono lol.
Went down a bit of a rabbithole with these and ended up at: https://youtu.be/T1j1_aeK6WA
Beardyman improvises his sets so he can be hit or miss. When he hits he hits it nice though. I bet No Doubt was awesome live in the 90s during their tragic kingdom sound. Reading up on them now, super cool band history. Never got to see them, was too young for their good stuff. We were making fun of No Doubt by the time we got to middle school for changing to a more accessible pop electronic sound. I did have the chance to see Reel Big Fish like 6 times though. They still tour too, only one guy from the original band though. I bet they still rock a fun live noise, worth looking into when covid blows over.