I have theme songs that I sing for my cats. The lyrics are just "meow meow meow" but they understand that the melodies belong to them. It must feel pretty queer to hear a short melody in the next room and have to stop whatever you're doing because it's your own theme music. Cat is probably "fuck, gotta go everyone. Some asshole is singing the song of my people."
I suppose if you're in another country your national anthem becomes your theme music. Do they sing in a negative tone if they hate your country? Is it a bad omen if they refuse to sing your anthem entirely?
I just got back from Colorado, took a few days off from everything drive out to look at houses. The bf and myself want to move into a property just south of Uncompahgre Peak, middle of nowhere. It's a little remote. There's no road maintenance or mail delivery when it snows. Everything runs on propane, we need to put in a solar array. 30+ achres to farm. I'm learning how to pickle foods out of necessity, I'm stoked.
That's all. I really just wanted to talk about my cats but worked in some life details. You have been hoodwinked.
So what do for internet, use a dish? Hear they can be kinda expensive and laggy, unless you wanna wait for Skynet to finish deploying overhead. 30 acres, but how many boulders below the surface? Hate to be pessymistic.. lost all my crops to deer this year
Lol, Starlink. We will most likely make the move come spring, SpaceX should have a working network in place by then. The house isn't currently equipped for the winter so we NEED to do a ton of work come April/May. Someone was using it as a vacation cabin. Two bedroom, one bathroom... hell if you want to see the Zillow page just say so and I'll PM you the listing.
Tom is a career network architect who works two jobs remotely so we are studying the fuck out of our network options. If the network speeds that Elon is currently reporting with the Starlink beta are accurate we will be just fine. Backup plan, the property gets perfectly good cellular. Tom can use that to turn the Subaru into a wifi hotspot, we wouldn't need a shitty dish. The property sits in a strange location that a cell tower shines a strong signal through the peaks and onto the property. The moment you leave the property, you lose the signal.
Sorry about your crops by the way. I'm a career horticulturalist, so I get your concerns. I don't view any of your statements as pessimistic at all. Realism and pessimism share a lot in common and when working agriculture, every year has the chance to bring something you weren't prepared for. On that note, I'm gonna put up a deer fence.
The land is super lush with tons of Oak bushes, Aspen, milk thistle, and sage. Granted, you will ALWAYS hit rocks if you work the land. The only thing I'm aware of that makes perfect soil for produce is a fuck ton of hard work. I can operate everything from tractors to back hoes so if I need to do more than raised beds I can always rent, borrow, or purchase a machine. I can build a perfectly good irrigation system but first we need to fix or replace the cistern. There's a leak somewhere. The previous owner put in a ton of holding tanks in the basement for potable water as a work around. We are 100% going to try drilling a well.
Sorry for the word count. Please, feel free to poke holes in our plan. It will only help.