Sold one already? :D btw now that Stan is back in business are you down with the mix or is that his job again cuz I made a v3 of my entry :P
Note to self: this probably isn't the best place to leave messages to yourself. Also, don't forget to pick up milk and bread.
Age 35, ♀ she/her
Coffee Filter
Alfred University
Groundhog Lake, Colorado
Joined on 5/30/05
Sold one already? :D btw now that Stan is back in business are you down with the mix or is that his job again cuz I made a v3 of my entry :P
i would get it but i don't have 9 dollars. or a credit card.
dood check out my latest dnb tune that i'm a-workin' on
Didn't I give you some drugs?
yeeaaaahhhh... we'lll..... they never last do they :(