Haha yeah unfortonately alot of the 3D stuff I've been working on recently are custom assets & are under NDA (albeit I've finished up with said studio for now, unless they call me back in the future for more stuff) so I can't really showcase anything that side. My experience is mainly with Blender, Mudbox & Substance Painter.
If you've got some offers you like the look of from others then definitely go with them above me of course. But feel free to DM me back if you've got no one else contacting you, and I'd be happy to 3D a full scene together for you to use (no fee if you're unsatisfied ;) although I'd at least like to retain permission to display the results on the art portal & future portfolios)
What kind of EP-art are you after roughly (any ideas you'd like to see specifically?) Depending on what you're after/complexity-of-request & deadline for getting it done, I can always 3D Model/Sculpt, texture & render something for you
I've gone all over the place with past album covers and I really don't have a vision for graphic art anymore. I'm leaving that up to the people that want to apply, so far I've got one offer. I wouldn't mind seeing what you can do in 3D Lich but you don't have a gallery posted! What do I need to do to see samples? Do you have an OnlyFans?