Horny guy w
I noticed there wasn't a field to list my sexuality so I listed it under occupation.
Age 35, ♀
Alfred University
Groundhog Mountain, CO
Joined on 5/30/05
Horny guy w
oh Lord, Guys realy only think of the one thing. Gems and Jewels, what are they, Dragons?
I lurv dragons :3
Congrats on not being killed, I jest I jest, but honestly though best wishes to both of you, a new journey is upon ye, and you're gonna take it in stride together
No, it would be really easy to hide a body on the property. Trust me, I spent 8 years factoring whether or not he could kill me and dump a body. IM JUST GOING TO HAVE TO KILL HIM FIRST D:<
congrats homie!!!!!
Thank you :)
Congrats on that ring! (And the marriage soon to follow!)
I still can't believe you actually drew the goats, but I do love them, haha.
When I set my eyes on a really stupid goal I don't rest until I've accomplished it.
@Quarl I know this to be true, and yet I still doubted, haha.
Gorgeous ring! Congratulations!
Lol I love how this news post has a table of contents. Thanks for the update!
Thank you Nachos! I'll do a table on contents every so often, I think they help? Gives people the option to skip around ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thank you Gimmick :D
Niceeee congrats.
Thank you so much V1ZION <3
Congrats Quarl!
Thank you thank you rude boyeeeeeeeee. Ye :3
Who the heck are you, rolling in here like you own the place? Also thank you for stopping in, I'm sorry that I'm not a supporter. You can totes disown me :'C
haha your posts are always a face sticker. congrats to your engagement! and im curious on the review ;)
My age shows everytime I have to look up slang, I just spent a few minutes looking up "face sticker." I'm going to assume this is good slang and thank you CryNN <3
I literally scream when someone will or gets married, and this was no exception, all my friends during a call were confused of why I was screaming like that, congrats!!!!!!!
Oh my, thank you for your screams Phaox. I'm honored for them :D
Thank you Luis.